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Suuntuminen valuutta marginaali kuljettaa suurta riskiä, eikä se voi olla sopiva kaikille Ennen päättää käydä kauppaa valuuttamarkkinoilla sinun on harkittava huolellisesti investointitavoitteita, kokemustasoa ja riskinottohalukkuutta. Muista, että saatat menettää jonkin tai koko alkuinvestoinninne, mikä tarkoittaa sitä, ettei sinun pitäisi sijoittaa rahaa, jolla ei ole varaa menettää Jos sinulla on kaikki epäilykset, on suositeltavaa pyytää neuvoa itsenäisen taloudellisen neuvonantajan. Etsi mitä sinun pitäisi tietää ennen kauppaa Forex Lue tämä. Premier forex kaupankäynnin uutiskantamme. Perustettiin vuonna 2008, on premier forex kaupankäynnin uutiskanava tarjoaa mielenkiintoisia kommentteja, mielipiteitä ja analysointi todellisten valuuttojen kaupankäynnin ammattilaisille Hanki viimeisimmät valuuttakaupan uutiset ja nykyiset päivitykset aktiivisilta kauppiailta päivittäiset blogiviestit ominaisuus eturivin tekninen analyysi kartoitus vinkkejä, forex-analyysi ja valuuttaparin kaupankäynnin tutorointi Selvitä, miten hyödyntää keinut maailmanlaajuisessa ulkomaisessa vaihtaa valuuttamarkkinoita ja nähdä reaaliaikaiset valuutta-uutiset ja reaktiot keskuspankin uutisiin, taloudellisiin indikaattoreihin ja maailmaan vents. 2017 - Live Analytics Inc v 0 8 2659.HIGH-RISKIN VAROITUS Valuuttamarkkinoilla on suuri riski, joka ei ehkä sovi kaikkiin sijoittajiin. Leverointi luo lisäriski - ja tappionvaihdoksia Ennen kuin päätät vaihtaa valuutta, harkitse huolellisesti investointitavoitteet, kokemustaso ja riskinsietokyky Voit menettää jonkin verran tai koko alkuperäisestä sijoituksestasi, älä investoida rahaa, jolla ei ole varaa menettää Opettele itseäsi valuutanvaihtoon liittyvistä riskeistä ja pyydä neuvoa itsenäisestä rahoitus - tai veroedustajasta jos sinulla on kysyttävää. ADVISORY WARNING FOREXLIVE tarjoaa viitteitä ja linkkejä valittuihin blogeihin ja muihin talous - ja markkinatiedon lähteisiin, kuten koulutuspalveluna asiakkailleen ja näkymilleen, eikä hyväksy blogien tai muiden tietolähteiden mielipiteitä tai suosituksia. Asiakkaat ja näkymiä kehotetaan ottamaan huolellisesti huomioon blogeissa tai muissa tiedoissa tarjottavat mielipiteet ja analyysit asiakkaan tai potentiaalisten analyysien ja päätöksentekoprosessien yhteydessä. Yksikään blogeista tai muista tietolähteistä ei pidetä ennätyksellisenä. Aiemmat tulokset eivät takaa tulevia tuloksia, ja FOREXLIVE antaa erityisesti asiakkaille ja mahdollisuuksille tarkasta huolellisesti kaikki neuvoa, bloggaajia, rahanhoitajia ja järjestelmätoimittajia koskevat vaatimukset ja esittämät huomautukset ennen varojen sijoittamista tai tilin avaamista minkä tahansa Forex-jälleenmyyjän kanssa. Kaikkien tämän sivuston sisältämät uutiset, mielipiteet, tutkimukset, tiedot tai muut tiedot ovat yleisiä markkinoita kommentti ja ei ole sijoitus - tai kaupankäyntiohjeita. FOREXLIVE ei nimenomaisesti ole vastuussa mistään menetetystä pääomasta tai voitoista, joita ei voida rajoittaa suoraan tai epäsuorasti tällaisten tietojen käytöstä tai luottamuksesta. Kuten kaikki tällaiset neuvontapalvelut, aiemmat tulokset eivät ole koskaan takuu tulevista tuloksista. Näkymäsi koskettaminen Napsauta missä tahansa. close. Dinar Gurus Offic ial Pääluettelo mahdollisista tärkeimmistä tehtävistä s. Ministetty artikla VIII. HCL hyväksytty imp Temp 11 2014 sovittu hengessä 12-2014.Erbil sopimus Impl. Election Law DONE 12 2013.Kappale 7 Valmis kesä 2013. 140 artikla impl. Economic Banking lakien hyväksyminen on välttämätöntä. Sijoituslainsäädäntö äänestetty 10 2015 Tulostettu 1 2016.Power Sharing Done 10 2014.Yhdistynyt Dinar. GOI Seated Done 10 2014.Tariff Law osittainen. CBI Markkina-arvo 2 -90 päivää. Dinar Gurus, joka tuntee dinaarin FLOAT hitaasti ylöspäin sijaan RV. Löysin sähköposteesi kiehtovaksi, kun he ovat täynnä elämää ja energiaa. Ainoastaan lukeminen antaa minulle lisää rauhaa ja siunauksia - E Dinar Guru - jäsen. Olet virallisella RV ALERT - luettelolla Dinaari kuumenee Don t Nouda ulospäin etsimässä Napsauta sinistä painiketta alla saadaksesi virallisen dinaarin RV-hälytysluettelon ILMAISEKSI ja saat viralliset RV-hälytykset, viimeisimmät uusimmat päivitykset, erityisiä videoita muita hauskoja juttuja minulta liian.3-14-2017 Newshound Guru loop Artikkelinantaja tänään siirrytään keskitetystä taloudesta markkinatalouteen Kuka sanoo tämän Dr Mohammed Salehin taloudellisen neuvonantajan pääministeri al-Abadi BOOM siirtyy todellinen markkinatalouteen olisi sisällytettävä kansainvälisesti tunnustettu valuutta Markkinatalous Vapaa markkinatalous Nykyään on 180 maata, jotka on rankattu Vapaa rajoitettu Irakia ei ole lueteltu 180 lista maista, kuinka monet heistä on kansainvälisesti tunnustettu valuutta Kaikki heistä Oletteko sitä mieltä, että on järkevää olettaa, että kun otetaan huomioon Salehin lainaus tänään siirrämme keskitetystä taloudesta markkinatalouteen, jossa Irakissa siirtyy jonkinlaiseen markkinatalouteen, joka IQD: n täytyy olla kansainvälisesti tunnustettu I DO.3-14-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Näinä päivinä - heitä kallio mihin tahansa suuntaan ja osut hämmästyttävään uutuuteen. He ovat melko paljon osoittaneet meille ääriviivat ja se on valmisteltu nyt Toivottavasti he saavat uudistusprojektit alkanee pian Koska Irakin valuuttauudistuksen alku on, kun elämäsi muuttuu.3-13-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Olemme samassa paikassa kuin viime viikolla odottamassa Mosulia liikkuu Me olemme kuulleet edistyksistä kaupungin keskustaan ja lippujen korottamisesta Tämä on kaikki hyvää edistystä Irakissa, mutta ennakoimme, että täysi julkinen vapautus johtaa kansalliseen sovintoon ja siitä lähtien RV: lle. Kuulen tänään, että se on vapautettu. puolin, kuulin, että Mosul vapautuisi muutamassa tunnissa Joten se s bit bittinen, kunnes se ratkaistaan julkisella puolella, ja sama RV: llä Olemme vielä innoissaan Me olemme tämän pelin lopussa. 3-13-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artikkeli Z ain aloittaa käteisrahoitusalustan kannustaakseen yrittäjiä Irakilaiset voivat kääntää ideansa innovatiiviseksi todellisuudeksi Iraki siirtyy kivikaudelta aina viimeisimpään tekniikan tasoon. Tämä on tärkeää varmasti, että he siirtyvät pois suljetusta pankkijärjestelmästä yhteen, joka harjoittaa IMO: n maailmanlaajuinen rahoitusjärjestelmä, tämä tukee ja kannustaa yksityisen sektorin markkinatalouden nopeaan kasvuun.3-13-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo Irakin joukkojen tänään suurta edistymistä Mosulissa he lopettavat päivän juhlatanssilla Irakin asevoimat ovat vain 200 metrin päässä Mosulin vanhasta sillasta on kolmas viidestä pääsanomasta vapautettavaksi Katso viime viikon s kartta alla 3-8-2017.3-13-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Miksi olisi loogista Irakin s RVed Kuwaitin looginen - paitsi öljyvarat ja hinnat ovat nollaa valuuttakurssien arvioinnissa - mukaan IMF: n mukaan edelleen - kun otetaan huomioon, että Irakilla on niin paljon enemmän öljyä kuin muilla resursseilla. ry valuutan määrittely on varoitusviesti maan taloudesta Totuudenmukaisesti - se tulee olemaan mitä maailma eli IMF, YK, WB haluaa sen olevan, koska jokainen raha on rajoitettu hyväksymisrajoilla Irakissa tapauksessa - se ei ole kansainvälisesti kaupankäynnin kohteena ja siksi sitä ei hyväksytä, se on horisontissa - se näyttää kuitenkin lupaavalta, että Irak voisi hinnoitella valuutansa mitä tahansa haluamatta ilman kansainvälistä hyväksyntää ja tukea - kuka ostaa sen.3-13-2017 Intel Guru DAZ ei tiedät kuinka kauan Kuwaitin arvonkorotuksen aikataulu ja sen käsitys julkisen ilmoituksen päättymiseen KANSAINVÄLISI VOITTAVAT VUOTTA TÄYTÄNTÖÖN OTTAMISTAAN MIELEEN KORVAAN VAIHTOA VAIN VAPAUTETTU PARAN VIIKOT REAKTIVOINNIN JÄLKEEN 84-1 14 RANGE IN COUNTRY WITH CALCULATED EXTERNAL TARJOUS 3 22.3-13-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG artikkelit Mosul Irakin joukot ennustavat suuria voittoja tunneina Mosul-sota päättyy pian ja Abadi kutsui irakilaisia Saksassa palata kotiinsa maa Jubouri Macgork Tänään sopivat olosuhteet kattavaan kansalliseen sovintoon Joten on muutama mehukas otsikko, josta olen silti hämmästynyt kaikesta, mitä siellä tapahtuu - ja ihmiset vielä myöhään kuin viimeinen nipus sähköpostia minulle boo hooing siitä, miten se ei ole vielä tapahtunut Minä vain kommentoin sitä - uskomattomien uutisten massa on vain upea Irak suoriutuu suurella nopeudella Meillä ei ollut viime viikkojen aikana minkäänlaisia virallisia uutisia CBI: sta nollasta poistettavan ohjelman poistamisesta, onko sinulla silti vaikutelma, että he menevät eteenpäin, kun Mosul on päättynyt En voi mennä vain viimeisimmän kommenttinsa - kaikki näyttää hyvältä, mitä he ovat sanoneet Kun tämä suojausvalintaruutu on täynnä - meidän täytyy nähdä, mitä he tekevät.3-13-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc IMF ottaa Irania SAME-menettelyjen avulla Irakista rahapolitiikkansa vuoksi Iran on alkanut läpinäkyvyyden vaiheet IMF: n kanssa KYLLÄ TAI YKSITYISKOHTAINEN RAKENNUSIrakka on kultainen lapsi heidän omaisuutensa on vielä vertailla vain odottaa R MINERAL MINING GETS ROLLING, WOW IMO. Kaikki viime yönä päivitetyt päivitykset ja jos et ole hälytysluettelo vielä nyt on hyvä aika tehdä se Se on vapaa kuin aina ja kestää vain muutaman sekunnin ajan olet investoinut dinaarissa ja viettää aikaa sivustolla, ettet halua missata jotain erittäin tärkeää, koska et ole luettelossa. Klikkaa tästä päästäksesi listalle nyt.3-12-2017 Newshound Guru Phillyman Toivon, että kulissien takana on paljon tapahtumassa, ettemme ole tietoisia siitä, että Irak on menossa oikeaan suuntaan On vaikea kuvitella, että niin monet maat kaaduttaisivat niin paljon resursseja Irakiin olematta varma siitä, että se maksoi.3-12-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL PUNAINEN VASTAVUUDEN TILA TÄMÄN VIIKON LYHYESTI ON LYHYESTI LOPPUUN TÄLLÄ VIIKONSA.3-12-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc Tunnistimme artikkeleilla, jotka tutkimme, että saavutamme tulossa olevat päivät, mutta meidän on nähtävä, jos seuraavaksi KÄYTTÄJÄ ON LYHYESTI ILMAISEKSI.3-12-2017 Intel Newshound Guru tman23 Post Mosul Wha t Irakin hallituksen on tarjottava kansalaisille Mitä välitöntä palvelua voi antaa Intian viranomaisille IMO: n Irakin päämiehet tarvitsevat ihmisilleen jotain muuta kuin puhuttaessa erinomaisesta tulevaisuudesta TANGIBLE AIKAA, JOTKA SAA TEHTÄVÄT HÄNEN Abadi lupasi heille kaikki korotus retro aktiivinen takaisin koko vuoden, jolloin hänestä tuli PM Ei tiennyt, mistä tulivat sitten ihmiset eivät usko heidän hallitukseensa tai maansa IMF sanoo verkkosivuillaan, että maiden valuutalla voi olla suuri psykologinen vaikutus siihen n kansalaiset saamme nähdä. 3-12-2017 Intelin Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Artikkeli Economist paljastaa Irakissa on valtavia summia rahaa salaisessa pankissa Irakin joukossa on runsaasti varoja Sveitsin pankkeihin, jotka palautetaan Irakiin, sen merkitys näyttää he aikovat käyttää vipuvoimaa kyvystä avata sveitsiläinen suurlähetystö saamalla nämä rahat takaisin Irakiin Näyttää, että Irak vain etsii rahaa kaikkialla.3-11-2017 Intel Newshound Guru tman23 Artikkeli lainaus WASHINGTON, Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeri Rex Tillerson tapasi perjantaina ulkoministeriössä Irakin öljyministeri Jabbar al-Luaibin JOTKA VÄLTTÄMÄT SUOJATTUA KUMPPANUUTAAN MAN TILLERSONIN kanssa Al-Luaibiin TALOUSPYYNTÄÄN ABADI TOIMITTAA WASHINGTONIN TÄYTETTÄVÄN PÄIVÄMÄÄRÄ IMF-kokouksen edessä Irakissa niillä on suunnitelmia, jotka ulottavat vain haluavansa, se sisältää myös USA: n ja 3 Zeros.3-11-2017 Intelin Newshound Guru Backdoc ABADI on USA: ssa 16. G20 TAPAA 17. JULKISSA 21. IRAQILLA ON JULKINEN HOLIDAY MMMM MITÄ KUUKAUSI TÄMÄ ON KÄYTETÄÄN OLLA JA SEN ENNEN TÄRKEIMMÄT TAPAHTUMAT TÄYTÄNÄ TÄMÄN WILD MARCH PÄIVÄMÄÄRÄT COUNTRY CLOCK VOI ALOITETAAN AIKAAN TUNNUSTAAN AIKAAN AIKANA ENOUGH IMO.3-11-2017 Intelin Newshound Guru Mnt Vuohi artikla Irak tavoitteena on ohjata islamilaista valtiota Mosulista Länsi-Mosulissa kuukauden sisällä on kolme viikkoa jäljellä maaliskuuhun. Niinpä heidän ennustuksensa on huhtikuun alussa puhdistaa läntinen puolet Mosulista. d sanoa, että he eivät tee niin huonoja tavoitepäivänsä saavuttamisessa maaliskuun loppuun ch Joten se saattaa liukua viikon tai jopa kahden viikon aikana.3-11-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Artikkeli Yhdysvaltain sihteeri Tillerson tapaa Irakin öljyministerin Washingtonissa Hyvä nähdä tämän vahvistuksen tänään IMO Tämä eskaloituminen on erittäin hyvä IMO Siirretty 16 IMO voi liikkua uudelleen.3-11-2017 Intelin Newshound Guru tman23 OTTAA SIVIOLLE WASHINGTONin Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeri Rex Tillerson tapasi Irakin öljyministeri Jabbar al-Luaibin ulkoministeriössä perjantaina Al-Luaibi ei kommentoinut kysymyksiä toimittajilta amerikkalaisista öljyinvestoinneista Irakiin. Herra ministeri aikoo laajentaa Yhdysvaltojen öljyinvestointeja Irakiin. Yksi toimittaja kysyi Tillersonilta pidensi kättelyä ministerille ja sanoi, että tervetuloa toimittajat saivat pian seurata huoneesta ja sitten Irakin pääministeri Haider al - Abadi on ilmaissut halunsa käydä Washingtonissa ennen aikaisempaan päivämäärään, joka oli asetettu 19. maaliskuuta pidettävään viikkoon. KABOOM Uudelleenjärjestely tulee valkoisen talon pyynnöstä ABADI WASHINGTONIN PUOLESTA EARLIER THAN SCHEDULED.3-11-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL ON LYHYESTI TAPAHTUA, ETTÄ NÄKYMÄLLÄ LOPPUVUODESTA SEURAAVA VIIKKO TÄLLÄ VIIKOSTA SINÄ VOITTAIN NÄPPÄINTÄ VASTAVUUTTA, JOTKA ARVIOINTI OTETTAESSA TÄLLÄ VIIKOSSA VOITTAA, ETTÄ ETTÄ NIIN AIHEUTTAA HOPEJAAN.3-10-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Kukaan muistaa kuinka monta päivää se on ollut siitä lähtien, kun CBI: n verkkosivut menivät päivittämättä päivärahaa. He kävivät 4. tammikuuta aina pari päivää sitten , niin kuten 45 työpäivää tai niin Kinda outoa miten he vain alkoivat päivittää CBI: n verkkosivuilla uudelleen - yli 45 päivän kuluttua Wow Ei muutosta tilassa - tietysti vain todella outoa.3-10-2017 Newshound Guru mike en näe nousta 3 alueelle vuosia, he saivat paljon työtä tekemään. Olen turhautunut. Ei. Minä soitan Intian tietämättömyydestä, kun näen sen. Toki. Mutta se on minulle tasoinen tässä sopimuksessa. don t innostua noin yksi tai kaksi riviä artikkelin taloustieteilijä, on tehty mutta minusta tuntuu myös, että tämä investointi muuttuu, kun he saavat perustuksen rakennettuja, he pudottavat sekalaisuuden ja korostavat korruption IMO.3-10-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste On luonnollista niille meistä, jotka ovat olleet tässä pelissä pitkä aika yli 10 vuotta minulle turhautunut nyt ja sitten olen vakuuttunut siitä, että saamme merkittävän voiton kohtuullisen ajan kuluessa olen 68, joten kohtuullinen aika ei ole niin pitkä.3-10-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artikkeli Rahoitussektorin sähköinen hallinnointi sähköisesti vuoden 2017 loppuun yksi syy, jonka dinaari nousee vähitellen, on, että CBI voi hyötyä, kun se nousee. Dinanin myyntitulo luo palkkioita. Nämä palkkiot korvaavat CBI: n tulot, kun se päättyy päivittäiset huutokaupat.3-10-2017 Intel Guru Bruce kertoo, missä he uskovat, missä olemme juuri nyt, ja miksi uskomme voivamme olla siellä tänä iltana tai huomenna perjantaina Irak on todella käynnissä koko Ohjelma juuri nyt He saivat lainaa Yhdistyneeltä kuningaskunnalta muutama päivä sitten, ja ne laittaa heidät ylhäältä Etsimme pääministeri Abadin vierailua Olemme periaatteessa uskoakseni tunteja ja päivää poissa olemisesta ja aloittaminen mitä olemme odottaneet koko tämän ajan Olemme täällä aivan lopussa olen innoissani mielestäni kaikki tulee olemaan mahtavaa tänä viikonloppuna.3-10-2017 Newshound Guru MadDeski budjetista alkaa olla avattu, tuleeko heitä avaamalla se uudella kurssilla Hinta on jotain, joka edellyttää edellytyksiä, joita ei tarvitse täyttää, ei jo budjetissa.3-10-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Mnt Goat En ole koskaan sanonut, että odotin RV: tä myöhemmin helmikuussa. Irakin antamat tiedot osoittivat meille mahdollisuuden käynnistää projekti nerojen poistamiseksi ja siten tämä johtaa meidät RV: hen maaliskuun loppupuolella Muista sanoja ei minun CBI pysähtyy vielä EARLY 2017 He eivät ole kertoneet me muut ise Mikä aikataulu artikkelien tiedoista osoittaa meille nyt? Koska ISIS: n taistelut ovat tosiasiassa ylimääräisiä 3 kuukautta, kun Yhdysvaltojen kenraalit ennustivat palaavan joulukuun 2016 aikana, minun on sanottava, että ne aikovat täysin että tämä sotku on puhdistettu 3 kuukauden loppuun mennessä ja se asettaa meidät maaliskuun loppuun. Tämä ei ole minun ennustukseni vaan siitä, mitä ne osoittavat USA: ssa Voisiko se muuttua. Toki, ja se voi, mutta me kaikki tiedämme, mitä he kertovat meille. 3-9-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artikkeli Mohammed Salehin ulkonäkö keskuspankilla on iso rooli nousta maan finanssikriisistä Ei ole yksityistä sektoria avaamatta pankkijärjestelmää maailmalle Yksinkertainen kuin se.3-9 -2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Ehkä IMF: ää pyydettiin pysymään tämän pidennetyn ajanjakson ajan Irakin auttamiseksi, kun kaikki presidentti Trump on kertonut Abadille tulemme auttamaan sinua kaikin mahdollisin tavoin, ei tietenkään Irakin armeijan tarvitse tehdä jotain heillä on n koskaan ennen IMO: ta, he aikovat arvioida uudelleen niiden valuuttaa, he joutuvat olemaan äärimmäisen hermostuneita ja don t haluavat ottaa lisäetua siitä, kuka sinä soitat hyvin Big Brother tietenkin, presidentti Trumpilla on kaikki tämä apu linjattu ehkä IMF on pitämällä kätensä auttaakseen heitä työntämään RV-painiketta oikealla tavalla IMF tarkkailee kaikkia järjestelmiä ja he ovat menossa, kestää kaksi viikkoa heck ei Abadi lähtee 19. DC: ssä tapahtuisi ennen CBI: n on pussissaan, että he tietävät, että BEST on tulossa 2. sijalle 2.3-9-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 luemme, että Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto kokoontuu Irakiin tänään eilen ja ajaa 2 viikkoa aiemmin. miksi he tarvitsisivat tavata niin kauan Ehkä ensimmäiset parit päivät saavat tavallisen paperityöt pois tieltä, joten mistä se lähtee Irakista he näyttävät keräävän Mosulia ja joitakin syrjäisiä alueita, jotka sanovat paljon, me katso todiste Irakin s valmiita ch ase DAASH maiden rajojen yli, he saivat IBAN: in ylös ja menevät, kun WARKA nousi nopeuttamaan pankkiensa istua mukavaksi ja siistiksi nyt Abadi käänsi tiedostoja korruptiosta M yli ICC: lle, hänellä on avoin kutsu maille ja sijoittajille tulemaan niin, mikä on todennäköisesti kahden viikon kokouksia IMF: n postitse 1/2 pysyvät virittyneinä.3-9-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Irak - Irakin aiesopimus, talousraportin muistio ja tekninen yhteisymmärryspöytäkirja, 19. kesäkuuta 2016 Tuleva kolmas arvio kesäkuussa 2017 Lainaus Ministerineuvoston hyväksyntä ja parlamentin esittely sijoituslainsäädännön muuttamisesta tai valtiovarainministeriön selventävien täytäntöönpanosäädösten antamisesta poistamaan sijoitusrajoitusten siirron rajoitukset, jotka aiheuttavat vaihdon rajoittaminen Heidän on poistettava rajoitukset, jotka estävät voittojen ottamista Irakista tai yritykset eivät pääse Irakiin. Nykyisin käytössä oleva vaihtorajoitus on toukokuussa tai esteenä sellaisissa pakotteissa, jotka edellyttävät dinaarien muuntamista dollareiksi tekemään liiketoimintaa ulkomaailman kanssa Tämä ei ole vapaata pääomanliikkumaa Mielestäni tämä tarkistus on jo hyväksytty parlamentissa uutisten mukaan Laina Paranna liiketoimintaympäristöä poistamalla rajoitukset nykyiset kansainväliset tapahtumat wow mielestäni tämä on jo valmis etukäteen artikkeleiden mukaan uutisia.3-9-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG miten investointi Investointi tekee hienosti - iloinen olla siinä Ei tarvitse salainen älykäs lähteet Tämä on tulossa hyvältä Alak, joka olisi CBI: n hallitsija ja Abadi, joka olisi Irakin pääministeri, ennustavat talous - ja rahoitusuudistusten aloittamisen heti, kun ISIS voitettiin Mosulissa - he uskoivat, että tämä olisi tapahtunut tammi-helmikuussa, mutta niiden optimismi on edelleen todellinen - ensimmäinen osa 2017 on edelleen tarkka - tämä näyttää olevan edeltävä päätelmä, ISIS mennyt - MR alkoi Joten - olemme hyvä ja app korvat tulevat tapahtumaan, kun puhumme.3-9-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO GOI tekee myös hyvin suuria liikkeitä heti 16.1. alkaen, kun Allak sanoi, että se nostaisi arvon Daeshin jälkeen. Uskon, että DEALia käsiteltiin viimeisen Perjantai, että olen mielestäni Kaikki nämä tiedot ovat nyt tulossa, koska he lykkäävät mitä etsimme HUOMAA LIIKKUMAT ovat parhaillaan poimimassa SPEED tämä asioilla on jalat CBI sai valmiudet FLY Ja nopeus, mitä he haluavat tekemään uudistuksiaan uskon, että se tulee hyvin ilmeiseltä tässä kuussa maaliskuu 2. jälke 2. 2.3-9-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Sanoin sinulle, etten taakse pois siitä, kun meillä on Mosulilla turvallisuutta ja vakautta ja kun meillä on että MR noutaa nopeuden, suosittelemme teille, että tärkein asia kiinnittää huomiota oli CBI Olemme seuranneet keskuspankit ja UST Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta juuri allekirjoittanut joitakin asiakirjoja, jotka antavat 10 miljardia puntaa Irakiin --- koskaan nähnyt joka on tehty ennen IMO: ta, joka on todiste e allekirjoittaneiden asiakirjojen ja IMO: n kanssa UST oli mukana Tämä on lisännyt Irakia monille asioille Kansainväliset joukkovelkakirjat saattavat myydä melko pian IMO Irakissa on kyky NYT aloittaa paljon kansainvälistä työtä Muista, jos Iraki pystyi myymään joukkovelkakirjalainoja ostaa niitä OHJELMOITUKSELLA Vastaus EI ELÄMÄLLE Jotkut DEALS tehtiin tiettyjen maiden postitse 1 2 pysy kuulolla.3-9-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Tulos on tietysti valtava nousupaine arvoon dinaari uutena investointina rahaa tulee maahan Voit olla varma siitä, että useimmat amerikkalaisista Fortune 500 - yrityksistä, puhumattakaan muista ympäri maailmaa, haluavat panostaa vaatimuksensa näillä markkinoilla heti, kun asianmukaiset olosuhteet sallivat. kehys on annettu tässä artikkelissa joskus neljännellä neljänneksellä tänä vuonna odotan float alkaa myöhään kolmannella vuosineljänneksellä tai varhain neljännellä neljänneksellä odotan rahan tarjonnan laskevan arvo nousu dinari Sitten Odotan kaskadista vaikutusta, kun yhä enemmän uusia rahaa tulvataan Irakissa investointeihin, mikä lisää entisestään nousupainetta dinaariseen arvoon. Kahden tai kolmen vuoden kuluessa meidän on nähtävä maailman varantovaluutta ja oltava valmiina ottamaan voitot postitse 3 3.3-9-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Seuraava lause, joka iski minua, on maailman suurimpien pankkien hyväksymien kehittyneiden pankkialan teknologioiden käyttöönotto Tämä lause korostaa, että tässä artikkelissa mainitaan selvästi, että Irak avaa dinaarin maailmanmarkkinoille tämän vuoden loppu Seuraavana on, että tämä tapahtuu vain, jos ne myös float valuuttaa. Tässä investointimme alkaa maksaa meille kaikille tämä on ainakin aloitettava ennen tämän vuoden loppua. on prosessi, joka vie jonkin aikaa toteuttaa Se on välttämätöntä, että CBI saa rahat ulos patjoista ennen kuin sallitaan arvon nousta liian korkealle vakavan inflaation välttämiseksi. o viimeinen loistava ilmaus Tämä lause on aktiivisen yhteistyön merkitys maailman suurimpien yritysten kanssa Kun tämä uusi korkean teknologian pankkijärjestelmä on paikalla, näemme Wild Westin, jonka KAP Guru Kaperoni ja minä olen kuvannut monta kertaa vuosien varrella että sijoittajat kaikkialla maailmassa ja erityisesti maailman suurimmissa yrityksissä hyppäävät mahdollisuutensa päästä käyttämään tätä olennaisesti käyttämättömiä markkinoita Takuu - ja sähköisen turvallisuuden takaavat huipputason pankkijärjestelmä, joka vastaa tätä jota maailman edistyksellisimmät maat käyttävät, on valtava magneetti näille mega-yrityksille, jotta niiden jalat märkäävät Irakin markkinoilla. Postissa 2/3 pysyvät viritettyinä. 3-9-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Artikkeli Keskusrahoitusalan sähköisen hallinnan vuonna 2017 Tässä artikkelissa on neljä lauseita, jotka saivat minut innoissani Ensimmäinen on ilmaus parhaissa maailman järjestelmissä Mitä tämä tarkoittaa, että IMF ohittaa vanhat ja perinteisimmät muutoksen menetelmät ja ovat siirrä Irakia eteenpäin linjan teknisen kehityksen kannalta Tämä on johdonmukainen Salehin vuosikertomuksen kanssa, jonka mukaan dinaari muuttuisi maailman varantovaluuttaksi Kun pankkijärjestelmäsi on maailman parhaimmistoa, se tarkoittaa, että olet valmiina siirtyä suoraan maailman valuutanvaihtomarkkinoihin Mutta seuraava lause on se, jossa Salehin lausunto dinaarista tulee maailman varantovaluutta, jolla on jonkin verran uskottavuutta. Tämä lause auttaa vetämään kotitalouksien rahanhankinnan pankkisektoriin. Olemme lukeneet vuosien varrella että tämä on suuri huolenaihe, nimittäin miten voimme saada Irakiin ihmisiä vetämään dinaarit pois patjoistaan ja asettamaan heidät pankkijärjestelmään. Tästä sanasta käy ilmi, että tämä on tarkoitus tehdä vain juuri nyt, yhteys Salehin ennustaminen siitä, että dinaarista tulee maailman varantovaluutta, on se, että koska nämä dinaarit tulevat patjoista ja pankkeihin, ne voivat tuhota CBI: n, mikä alentaa koko rahan määrä, joka mahdollistaa dinaarin arvon nousun Dinaarin nouseva arvo, kun otetaan huomioon niiden korkea suhteellinen varantoasema, varmistaa, että dinaarista tulee yksi maailman vahvimmista valuutoista. 2017 Intelin Newshound Guru Mnt Goat lainaa Irakia maiden eturivissä, jotka ovat käynnistäneet lainsäädäntöä tärkeitä lakeja kansainvälisten standardien alalla. Kokouksessa keskusteltiin Yhdysvaltojen pankkien Irakin pankkien avaustilojen mekaniikasta tarkoituksena helpottaa ulkomaankauppaa Irak, avautuessasi laajemmalle maailmalle, näet nyt, kuinka uudet pankkitoimet käytännössä uusien rahanpesun ja terrorismin vastaisten rahoituslakeiden toteuttamiseksi asettavat Irakille erittäin hyvät edellytykset saada takaisin valuuttaa, jatka eteenpäin projektin kanssa poistaa nollat.3-8-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana lisäämällä edelliseen kysymykseen, mitä kolmea 0 muistiinpanoa luulet haluavansa ottaa pois ympyrästä ulation Oletko sitä mieltä, että heillä ei ole mahdollisuutta ottaa 5.000 huomautusta liikkeestä? Oletan, että ensimmäinen on 25.000 ja 10.000. Seurataan enintään kuuden kuukauden kuluessa kaikesta muusta. uusi julkaisupäivä 2 2.3-8-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Kun he arvostavat sitä, riippumatta siitä, mihin numeroon se menee Anna sanoa, että se on 10 senttiä hypoteettisesti Mielestäni kaikki ovat melko samaa mieltä siitä, että se silti nousta sieltä Jos tämä on totta , he ilmoittavat dinarin haltijoille, että sinulla on jonkin aikaa aikaa vaihtaa sinun tai aikooko se olla mysteeri kaikille, joille olen samaa mieltä siitä, että se nousee, varsinkin jos ne alkavat 0-10: ssä, se sanoo mahdottomia määrittää, mitä muistiinpanoja he soittavat ensimmäiseksi tai kuinka kauan he voivat sallia, että vanhat muistiinpanot ovat edelleen liikkeessä. Muut maat, jotka ovat uudelleentarkastaneet ovat käyttäneet 90 päivää, mielestäni on järkevää ajatella, että voimme odottaa paljon aikaa, mutta ei ole takuuta siitä, että postitse 1 on 2 stay tuned.3-8-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo Tässä missä taistelu on siirtymässä nyt Vanha Mosul Tämä on Alamo varten IS Heillä on suurin osa jäljellä taistelijoita keskittynyt siellä, ja Grand Mosque sijaitsee siellä Kun tämä on kaapattu, se on viimeinen isku IS: lle. Se on vain ajan kysymys, kuten Yhdysvaltain yleinen totesi tänään, kun hän sanoi, Peli on nousussa, aiemmin tänään ja jos minä vedon vedon, sanon, että Irak hallitsee vanhaa Mosulia lauantaina, edistystä he ovat tehneet samalla maastossa viime päivinä Artikkelin lainaus Irakin joukot ovat vapauttaneet 47 aluetta, lähiöitä ja kyliä 16 vuorokaudessa Se on ruma, mutta tässä vaiheessa on väistämätöntä, että IS tuhotaan Irakissa lähitulevaisuudessa Voit vertailla kartan etenemistä katso Guru Revobon karttatietoja 2-25-2017 ja 2-28-2017 alla.3-8-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Me odotamme periaatteessa Kaikki tärkeät asiat tehdään ja sovimme on vielä odotettava, mutta odotus on melkein Mosulin yläpuolella on uutinen uudelleen Olemme nähneet twe ets korkealta tasolta tyytyväinen PM Abadi vapauttamiseen Mosulista Se on vain ajan kysymys ennen kuin saamme virallisen uutisen vapautuksesta Silloin kansallisen sovinnon pitäisi näyttää maagisesti, kun valuutan uudelleenarvostus vain tiedä päivämäärää, mutta se on jo alkanut , se on jo käynnissä ja käytännössä Odotamme vain, että koko julkinen julkaisu on tulossa Luulen, että tämä ratsastus on ohi.3-8-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Meillä ei ole HCL, kun kirjoitan tämän, mutta se aihe muuttamaan ja toivottavasti hyvin pian muuttumaan Olen erittäin optimistinen todellinen HCL LAW tulossa mahdollisesti jopa tässä kuussa Rakastan artikkeleita, jotka ovat tulossa nyt Jos viime aktiviteetti ja HCL uutiset tulevat ulos tällä hetkellä eivät riitä jotta saat tunne ainakin vähän innoissaan, voit ehkä tarkistaa pulssisi. 3-8-20-17 Intel Newshound Guru Mnt vuohen artikkeli Julkaistu 13 01 1. toukokuuta 2013 Kuwait City Kuwait on saanut 2 43 miljardia D8 92 miljardia euroa Irakin sotakorvaukset alusta lähtien ja vielä velkaa vielä 11,2 miljardia, Persianlahden kansallinen vanhempi virkamies totesi tiistaina, että tämä artikkeli ulottuu toukokuussa 2013, joten uskon, että Kuwaitille maksettaisiin lisää sotakorvauksia, on saatu päätökseen viime maaliskuun 2017 maksu 9 miljardia Tämä on sellainen erittäin hyvä uutinen meille innoissani vielä yksi este RV.3-8-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Olen todella kadonnut, missä olemme nyt ja miksi se ei ole mennyt Ainoa asia, voi ajatella, että se voi olla Mosulin vapauttamista koskevan ilmoituksen kanssa. Tiedän, että Mosul on periaatteessa melko selvä. Se on vapautettu. ISIS on käsitelty, kun presidentti ilmoitti uuden matkustuskiellon Irakilla ei ollut sitä Irak on nostettu pois matkustuskiellosta sunnuntaina Irakin dinaarikurssi 3 64, kuten maan kurssi julkaistiin Gazette Meidän käsitys oli, että joskus eilen tai tänään meillä olisi korko julkaistu ja nähdään CBI verkkosivuilla Irak on matkalla .3-8-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperon Artikkeli Keskustelu valuutan huutokaupassa, siirtymävaiheessa oleva yksikkö ja tarve hänelle on edelleen meneillään. Hyvä artikkeli tässä artikkelissa on se, että ne viittaavat huutokauppaan siirtymäkauden kokonaisuutena, joka minulle merkitsee vain sitä, että he aikovat kellua dinaarista ja tehdä kansainvälisesti vaihtovelkakirjalainat ja käydä kauppaa. Vain tällainen siirto antaisi CBI: lle vaihtoehtoisen tulonlähteen palkkioiden kautta.3-8-2017 Newshound Guru loop REACT-valvonta organisaation pääkonttorissa ja keskuspankin konttorissa Mosulissa PALAUTTAA MOSUL CBI: N SIJOITTAJAT JA VOITTAVAT VAHINKOJEN ARVIOINTIAT, JOTKA ON KORJAA SEURAA JA OTTAMAT OVAT.3-7-2017 Newshound Guru BGG Artikkeli Varoituksia dinaarin vakavasta heikkenemisestä dollarin apteekin jälkeen Tämä on OP ED - lause lausunto kirjailija ei ole vain takuu todenmukaisuudesta iso otettavaksi minulle oli - kirjailija muistuttaa muutamia asioita, jotka ovat HISTORICALLY accurate - sitten sanoo - ESSENCE, voit korjata kaiken valuuttauudistuksen Lainaus lisäksi that some of the citizens and the owners of the money prefer the dollar for the dinar for easy transfer and retention of the fact that the money supply will be less, and that s what we confirm it previously necessity currency project to delete the zeros of the three of the currency, which he can solve a lot of problems - SOLVE - A - LOT - OF - PROBLEMS BOOM.3-7-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I know many do get some still cannot grasp and think the dinar must RV prior to investors coming to Iraq when the reality is it is a tool of the CBI to counter the inflationary pressure creating by the very investment we expect to see to accommodate a possible real exchange rate appreciation while keeping domestic inflation low.3-7-2017 Newshound Guru tlm724 Article Adviser at the Central Bank of Iraq overcome the financial crisis and will become the country s foreign investment Things are progressing nicely for Iraq Stability is close at hand IMO the currency reform is on the horizon The CBI keeps on keeping on, making the needed adjustment to policy to make things right to go forward.3-7-2017 Newshound Guru Shredd Article Central Bank the financial crisis behind us and the next few days are promising Quote Iraq will become a country of foreign investment as a result of competing foreign international companies to invest in the reconstruction after the devastating cities recovered from Daesh This is a great reminder of the wealth Iraq has and the interest from foreign investment Iraq will become a country of foreign investment -- that is for sure and as note, that will become a huge part in the rebuilding of the country In this same period of time, the stability that is sought by the CBI for their currency reform can then move forward this is not an If but a When regarding the legal tender, globally accepted dinar to become the primarily used currency of Iraq The immense amount of progress in the banking and investment laws, the protections for investors, the banking customer ve tting via KYC, the project to remove the zeros and so many more accomplishments all still stand None of the progress the CBI and the GOI have made to mature from their past dictatorship have been repealed Progress has been and continues to be forward.3-7-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Last week they made a FINAL decision on their economic reform and monetary reform and I believe the strike in Syria had a big impact with that We are AT THE END of this postponement of this The IQD is about to become an INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY You saw the market rate down to 2 that s in compliance They are to improve their exchange rate and remove the usage of foreign currency THIS IS A SOLID EXAMPLE of what is happening Their need for a policy to RV is NOT a theory it is a plan which they are doing right in front of your eyes All the financial articles from the CBI are coming to life NOW post 2 of 2.3-7-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 I ve told you before a flag in the heart of Mosul, planted by Abadi then you will see the monetary reform Iraq continues to advance into Mosul and a bonus Raqqa which is in Syria Iraq can offer a VALUE of security and stability This value is represented by that INTERNATIONAL strike within Syria Today the WORTH of Iraq is more realistic that s what the world is watching wanting The strike on Syria was BIG news In January 2017 we had an announcement from the CBI where they claimed that once the battle in Mosul was complete they would advance in their monetary reform but then he went on the say that it was being postponed post 1 of 2 stay tuned.3-7-2017 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 Many of us were hoping that Trump would speed up the RV He may not have done that, but rest assure he isn t going to let it be delayed He s put pressure on getting rid of ISIS both in Mosul and in Raqqa The RV needs, IMO, in this order 1 Mosul and then Raqqa 2 National Reconciliation Law 3 Day of Celebration for getting rid of ISIS and coming together politically 4 HCL 5 RV with no announcement no r fanfare Trump certainly could try to push a settlement politically quicker and get the RV done sooner But, for right now, it looks to me like my prediction of mid-summer with my list of things getting done prior still stands In January, I posted these same thoughts, and I don t see anything new to amend my opinion on the RV date of mid-summer with a rate just above the USD, around 1 13 the high end of the original Ernst and Young appraisal of the Dinar reference Guru Islandg1211 1-26-2017.3-7-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Central financial sector management electronically end of 2017 Currency reform should start well before end of year IMO reference Guru Kaperoni post 3-5-2017.3-7-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article quotes Iraq received 18 billion dollars from the International Monetary Fund IMF on installments 9 billions of this figure was paid to Kuwait for 1990 war compensations she added that I raq signed an agreement with the IMF to reform the financial system in t he country Iraq will receive this amount on three future installments Iraq still owed just about 9 billion in war reparations I believe this concludes the payments in full to Kuwait for war reparations This is huge news I believe it brings us that much closer to getting out of sanctions for Iraq much closer to the RV T hey will need this to conclude the CURRENCY REFORM process.3-6-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc I BELIEVE THERE WILL BE A FEW COUNTRIES THAT WILL GO AT OR VERY CLOSE TO THE SAME TIME AS EACH OTHER THIS IS ONE OF THEM I ASSURE YOU THE IMF IS NOT GOING TO LET DOUBLE DIPPING OCCUR SINCE IT COULD DAMAGE ANOTHER COUNTRY S CURRENCY THERE WOULD BE DAMAGE DONE, THEREFORE THE COUNTRIES THAT HAVE A MAJOR MOVE TO THE UPSIDE WILL LIKELY GO TOGETHER TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO A COUNTRY S CURRENCY VALUE post 2 of 2.3-6-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc IT S BEEN AWHILE SINCE I VE COMMENTED ON THE VND VIETNAM HAS QUIETLY BEEN REDUCING ITS NOTE COUNT THROUGH GOVERNMENT TO GOVERNMENT TRANSACT IONS WHILE AT THE SAME TIME BRINGING IN LOTS OF ITS PAPER NOTES RECENTLY WE SAW A GOVERNMENT OFFER FOR THE PUBLIC TO BRING THEIR CASH IN EXCHANGE FOR TAX REBATES OR EXEMPTIONS FOR THE YEAR THEY BROUGHT IN BILLIONS THEIR ECONOMY HAS BEEN THE FASTEST GROWING GDP OVER THE LAST TWO YEARS WITH CURRENCY SANCTIONS BEING LIFTED WITHIN DAYS, THE PRECEDING ACTIONS MEAN THINGS post 1 of 2 stay tuned.3-6-2017 Newshound Guru MadDScout Article quote The local market has seen a marked decline in the dollar against the Iraqi dinar and by five thousand dinars to the category of 100 marked decline by five thousand dinars to the category of 100 what we are seeing is the measures by CBI recently put in place to bring the dinar street rate in line with the cbi rate even against a strong dollar Today they received 30 billion in loan assistance 18 from imf and 12 from Great Britian.3-6-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Mnt Goat I stated the need for the Iranian influence being neutralized in Iraq including the ring leader Maliki and his goons and this being a priority prior to any RV This is all coming about now as we are witnessing events taking place in Iraq and moving closer to the currency reform.3-6-2017 Intel Guru ScottiG A recent text I received from a fellow minister and friend indicated an across the board change in the value of the dollar in Iraq One source in Kuwait and one in England had mentioned recent activity in the banking industry related to a change of value to the Dinar and I must believe the information was quite positive One other source had stated emphatically that as of the end of last year, that it is done Now I know this source is truly connected and so I questioned just how could it be completely done and yet we do not see the manifestation of the change in value If we look at this under the perspective that often in America, something has been approved or voted into law and we may not see it implemented for months Looking at the information in this light gives it a who le new light of possibility post 2 of 2.3-6-2017 Intel Guru ScottiG Long time no see glad to have you back It seems like forever since last I shared anything with my Dinar Family part of my distancing was due to the state of affairs in Iraq I have kept in the loop of information coming out of Iraq and DC and my best description of the state of affairs was that we would have to see whole scale change in many arenas Now I can state that we have and are seeing those changes unfold before our eyes Regardless of your political preference, the change that transpired in Washington January is the best thing that could happen for us to see the launch of a new exchange rate for the IQD A dear friend of long standing The Banker whose specialty is foreign currency, stated that until ISIS was removed from Iraq, we would not see the RV I noticed in a recent post from Guru Randy Koonce that he as well has commented to this stability factor He remains a steady beacon in the night post 1 of 2 stay tune d.3-6-2017 Newshound Guru revbo Article Iraq forces advance into Mosul city the news is everywhere, this morning, that ISF has taken the second bridge, so they have at least secured the small district just to the west of the river, where the second bridge is, which gives them direct access to Old Mosul.3-6-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article Central financial sector management electronically end of 2017 Quote A new phase began espoused by Iraq of developing the financial sector is the adoption of a sophisticated system changes the shape of financial transactions and the entry of active cooperation with the world s largest companies , at some point action is required over rhetoric, for those of us who ve been following these guys long enough we know talk is cheap in Iraq Shabibi illustrated long ago that the GOI have to be willing dance partners for the open market to work and grow, without the legislative foundation the best efforts of the CBI are for naught.3-6-2017 Newshound Guru loop r eference Guru loop post 3-4-2017 to follow this comment up - the very next day they same thing happened again The street rate for the Dinar got another 3k per 100 USD stronger looking more and more like a trend Monetary policy in the real world is tightening up and I point this out because the culmination of what we are wanting to see is being forecast by numerous other, smaller moves - this being one of them Corruption, International agreement, financial mgmt procedures getting better, security and stability All happening now.3-6-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Article Central bank Iraq overcome the financial crisis and the coming days bode well Quote Iraq will become a country of foreign investment as a result of competing foreign international companies to invest in the reconstruction of liberated cities None of this can happen without a serious shift in economic and currency policy Just can t happen They are back to forecasting as they were in late 2016 this time - the timeline isn t months or a part of the year but it s days in their own words NOT weeks, months or years.3-5-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article Central financial sector management electronically end of 2017 Here are a few things I ve noticed with all the good news from today so much talk about system changes that is a huge plus I am thinking this article and at least one or two others have made mention of dealing with some very large companies and banks in fact some of the world s largest companies and the largest banking technology companies in the world That all tells me that not only is Iraq serious about what is coming but also and this is UUUUGGGGEEEEE IMO these companies on this grand of a scale are also seeing Iraq as a serious and probably very competitive entity at this time or they would not be looking in this direction Large companies don t tend to waste their time on losing propositions they are SUCCESSFUL for a reason they pick WINNERS and IMHO Iraq is a WINNER who is about to step o nto the top box to receive GOLD in a number of ways I tend to believe.3-5-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Central financial sector management electronically end of 2017 Quote the current year will see in the fourth quarter sophisticated financially important is linking the banking sector This is a huge article It appears to me that they are stating that this year they expect to open the banking system to the world That freedom of movement and international transactions will begin This to me, appears to be confirmation that during 2017 we will see the beginning of currency reform.3-5-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article Iraq receives 18 billion from IMF I find this highly interesting especially the part about payment to Kuwait for war compensations they owe Iraq Kuwait 4 5 billion that had been deferred until this year now they are paying them 9 billion of this 18 billion from the IMF that is just odd to me, unless that is perhaps an agreed upon extra amount for loss of propertie s or bodies not recovered who knows and the IMF stipulates they need to reform their financial system that sounds much like the Monetary Reform to me so be it get with the program Iraq make it so.3-5-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo Article Central Bank the financial crisis behind us and the next few days are promising S ounds like they want to get things moving pretty quickly after Mosul is over, and nobody s coming in if they can t get their money out.3-5-2017 Newshound Guru Phillyman Articles Iraqi command says a few meters close from Mosul government complex Iraqi forces control most of 2 western Mosul districts, pound Tal Afar Iraqi forces launch fresh push in western Mosul battle Iraqi forces near government buildings in Mosul as fight against ISIS continues Obviously the timing of the Mosul operation being complete is all over the place but I wanted to put this quote from the first article here in case you missed it This is the opinion of a Lt General, Federal Police Chief He said the troops have become a few meters away from the government complex, adding that retaking that area could mean a 80 percent strategic and moral victory in western Mosul battles.3-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I mentioned in my weekly update that I m getting a bit giddy right now There s a good reason for it We are at a tipping point, and this is going to either make us some money, or we re going to be walking away soon Either way, I think all of us will be happy Either we make out like bandits or we just say we enjoyed the ride , right Based on what I m hearing from my people, I am leaning toward the bright side of it.3-5-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL I AM ANTICIPATING AN ACTIVE WEEK HANG IN THERE.3-5-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article quote Confirms al-Tamimi that the rise in the inflation index, even though it was slightly It affects low-income citizens, because Mdjulath not enough to buy the same goods or services that were bought before, and therefore the purchasing power dec line, which means more poverty and rising poverty rates by a significant change in the value of the dinar this will raise the purchasing power of the dinar and slowly force out the lower denominations on the streets as the necessity for them will be realized greater and greater as time goes on The movement out of the closed economy will then become a necessity and the use of the IQD dinar globally will be in high demand, thus driving the rate yet even more upwards.3-4-2017 Newshound Guru loop Quote Article quote The local market has seen a marked decline in the dollar against the Iraqi dinar and by five thousand dinars to the category of 100 marked decline by five thousand dinars to the category of 100 That is all it is saying Not that the exchange rate 5000 dinar to 100 dollars This is right in line with the CBI s statement made on Wednesday so what does that mean It means that the CBI has put a system into place that allows them control of the stability of the dinar in the market pla ce This systems removes the middlemen and gives them end to end transparency for all transactions This is exactly what the IMF wants them to do Very important move on their part.3-4-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Mnt Goat March is still within range of Early 2017 and we have been told by the CBI that the project to delete the zeros will resume in EARLY 2017 It is a fact that part of this project is connected with bringing in a new rate to the Iraqi dinar This is the tie in to the project post 3 of 3.3-4-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Mnt Goat there is an urgent necessity for Iraq to get off the program rate if Iraq is to see any real potential for economic growth, as they are telling us they plan for We can also see the need for a steady rate of the dinar and more purchasing power Having the dinar at a REAL rate and the rate gauged off the GLOBAL currency exchanges helps to ensure this stability of the currency So does this mean regions must be fully liberated from ISIS Yes, of course as this is not me alone telling you this The CBI itself has told us this many times post 2 of 3 stay tuned.3-4-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Mnt Goat IS THE IRAQI DINAR INTERNATIONAL Contrary to what many are telling you the Iraqi dinar is not yet international Many believe it is already international simply because some banks are now once again selling and buying dinar But is this really at the international level NO It is not So the Iraqi dinar is NOT yet trading on the international exchanges at any rate nor will it until there is a reasonable level of SECURITY and STABILITY in the region They can not and will not be allowed to list the currency on the international exchanges until certain factors apply post 1 of 3 stay tuned.3-4-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke In ADDITION, to this APRIL 1 date for Iraq, we believe, there will also be THIS APRIL 1st - 10th Vietnam could substantially raise the value of the Dong reference Guru Dr Clarke post 3-3-2017.3-4-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo Article IS Checkpoints Disappear in Hours in West of Mosul Quote The disappearance of the checkpoints reflects the internal collapse of the extremist group, that started to appear obviously with the start of the battle to liberate western Mosul , I wouldn t be surprised to see Trump and Abadi together in Baghdad by the end of the month celebrating the liberation of Iraq The difference will be, this time it sticks.3-4-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL NO SPECIFICS BUT WE ARE LOOKING VERY GOOD THROUGH THE TUESDAY WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK LOOK FOR MNUCHIN ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT TUESDAY WE ARE IN THE GROOVE.3-3-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Maybe it s just me but I m thinking for a Friday that is an Iraqi holy day, we ve seen a fair share of good news today as well as good moves on their part, especially with regard to Mosul and the progress being made there plans of actions actions put into play we are moving forward I think we ve seen further confirmation of their intent post Mosul post DAASH in the right direction the BEST is coming.3-3-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke HERE S MORE on WHY at least 10 more days are needed The Laws in Iraq, are being Changed with URGENCY, and many have already, the necessary ones which haven t been publicly announced just a guess The National Reconciliation, is being negotiated a little more, but not quite where they want it - YET FYI, they already have the HCL figured out BIG TIME like the last 2 years to seriously play with this thing another guess There are a FEW more questionable politicians being removed replaced wink , WITH URGENCY The Currency Auction must CHANGE It s Current Form Can happen QUICK Planned There are also a few key MEETINGS scheduled scheduled, within our timelines, as well THIS is the culmination and the ENDING, to The PERFECT STORM WHEN APRIL 1st When IRAQ could Officially - Publicly - Substantially, increase the value of the Dinar country-wide, meaning in every province, territory the Whole of Iraq 1st week of April, the Dinar could be Exchangeable worldwide , as an Internationally accepted currency OFFICIALLY This date marks the BEGINNING of the 2nd Quarter The 1st Quarter is now over, and for all practical purposes, Iraq did what they said they were going to do, by deleting the 3-0 s, in the 1st Quarter 2017, but made it official April 1 We really believe, we ll see the emergence of a New, substantially increased Dinar Rate, on this date post 3 of 3.3-3-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke We re Now, going to outline a TIMELINE This is our View, as it stands today, given ALL THE FACTORS, we have at our disposal, as of right now FIRST, let us say, that Conditions are such, that there is a LOW Probability, of a new, substantially Higher Dinar Rate, presenting itself publicly, from Iraq country-wide meaning in the entire country of Iraq , anytime during the next 10 days and the same goes for Vietnam s Dong We said LOW probability over the next 10 days Not impossible - just LOW 10 Chance A much much HIGHER Probability, exists AFTER the next 10 days, wh ich is after March 13th 90 Chance Quite a Difference WHY THEY need a little MORE TIME About 28 Days from Today and the Probability progressively gets much GREATER, as we approach the end of those 28 days For What When ISIS In the REGION , is secured to an AGREED UPON SAFE LEVEL, WHICH IS THE 1ST TRIGGER POINT not just Mosul any longer This Changed last weekend , FOR OFFICIAL RATES TO CHANGE, then many different AVENUES OF MONEY will be Released, pushed forward, enacted, launched in a number of Ways, including a substantial currency Dinar Rate increase PUBLICLY OFFICIALLY, particularly within Iraq post 2 of 3 stay tuned.3-3-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke we re on the MOVE This Perfect Storm has an ending in sight There are SO MANY pieces to this Perfect Storm flying together, like Magic, as we speak, and it s picking up Momentum you can see it, just from the scanty little bit of military information being shared publicly, on Iraq Syria like we always say, there s much more, and especially no w, under the Pres Trump admin that s purposely being Silenced on what s MOST Important, for the Good of All but what IS being shared, is very very deliberate and Iraq, now being admitted for travel into the U S as cleared normal , apart from the Original 7 country ban should give you a Happy hint One other small item to mention The Value of the U S Dollar in Iraq, is noticeably dropping southward, as in DOWN and the Value of the Dinar in Iraq, is noticeably pushing Northward as in UP Nice little perk , in the thick of things post 1 of 3 stay tuned.3-3-2017 Intel Newshound Guru tman23 Kurdistan region, Masoud Barzani said the Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament and presidential elections will be held in September this year There will be two elections in September parliament and presidential, Barzani said during an interview I won t be a candidate myself WHY IS THIS A FACTOR TWO VERY POSITIVE SIGNS WITH ONE GLOWING IN NEON AUGUST 2013 BARZANI CAME SPOKE OUT ON THE DINAR AND THE MENACING 3 ZEROS A ND SAID HE WAS NOT LEAVING UNTIL THEY WERE LIFTED AND KURDISTAN COULD OPEN ITS ECONOMY HE ALSO SAID HE WAS NOT LEAVING UNTIL KURDISTAN HAD ITS STATEHOOD THE OPENING OF A FREE MARKET LEADS TO INDEPENDENCE TOO MUCH GOING DOWN NOT TO THINK AGREEMENTS ARE READY TO SIGNED NOT YOUR USUAL MEET FOR NATIONAL RECONCILIATION DISCUSSIONS OF THE PAST i BELIEVE THEY MEET TO ANNOUNCE AND SIGN NOT NEGOTIATE.3-3-2017 Newshound Guru mike Iraq is making great progress and will, in time, remove ISIL from western Mosul, it s invevitable How long it takes is up in the air, if the US becomes more involved with troops and Apache action, it s definitely going to get done quicker Abadi better have a plan, and not just for the country but the economy We still need the banking, investment and open market legislation completed, all this talk about the currency and diversifying means squat unless they have the legal and economic foundations for success If they unpeg today, I don t see how the dinar will gain value, if it had value now, they wouldn t have the MCP problem we have today The auctions are the only thing propping up the currency I m cautiously optimistic Abadi will pull a rabbit out of a hat and get Parliament in line to pass the legislation and include the Sunni s and Kurd s in the government If not, it s going to be one crises after another with little to show for it Your move, Abadi.3-3-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Their Central Bank communicates with the IMF and the CBI in 2015 they sent a memo to the IMF and said look we thank you for the green light to lift the 000 s from our exchange rate but we are studying the situation right now and unfortunately as we know and you know by law we cannot delete the 000 s right now in the middle of this year 2015 so we are going to move everything to the early part of 2017 the acting governor of the CBI said very clearly in the articles he said I am trying my best ok but we cannot raise the value of our currency in the middle of the year it has to be at the beginning of our fiscal year the Monetary Reform is the deletion of the 000 s from the exchange rate we have accomplished what we needed to do in lifting the 000 s from the streets and we are at the start of 2017 and it is now time implement the Monetary Reform and I think they are IMO IOO we are very close on the RV there are no delays.3-3-2017 Intel Guru Bruce what we are seeing in terms of Iraq, we have heard today Thursday as of 5am EST Iraq is exchanging currency in the Middle East with 4 or 5 countries at a rate of 4 96 It was really approaching 5 We heard a rate of 5 20, but I can confirm 4 96 Iraq is kind of doing their own thing They started a few days ago on Saturday with a bond offering of a sovereign bond in Iraq 1 trillion offering Four or five countries of the 23 countries that were offered it took advantage of it right away, which included France, Russia, United States, and others that took advantage of those bonds What we are hearing of Mosul is positive It wa s completely taken back We are looking for an announcement of that Things are being done and moving in a right direction We are really in a good place I look forward to the start of a good weekend.3-3-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 we believe Mosul is 100 Very, very soon maybe over the weekend they should tell you that Mosul is liberated So we are looking at the CBI we are looking at their actions words In the last few weeks news from the CBI has been very, very good IMO with these conditions of Security Stability being magnified over the last 48 hours and the fact that the US Dollar rate is declining declining to the IQD inside of Iraq and IMO they are floating their dinar to land at a certain point to remove some zeros The exchange rate lifting of the 3 zeros is closing in Iraq can lift the value anytime they want.3-3-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Article Parliamentary Finance s approach to postpone the project to delete the zeros until further notice Quote Finance Committee in the House of Representatives announced the postponement of the project to delete the zeros that was planned years ago to apply until further notice that almost has the smack of her pointing out that this WAS PLANNED - then POSTPONED until further notice Which is accurate they aren t saying further notice isn t tomorrow, next week or next month either Why would they be rehashing a decision that was put off back in 2012 - right now Over a concept that is DIRECTLY germane to their forward economic progress In fact it is a little weird this is coming out now - right near the end of Mosul or in this first part of 2017 timeframe - why now I think it s obvious.3-2-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I have a couple of rumors that I m holding onto I had hoped to have a better confirmation on them before posting this I do not have what I need in order to release it, so I m sticking with my original guesstimate of the rate When I think about it, I hope I m wrong and y all are riding with me to a much higher ra te You don t want to see 3 14 any more than I do But I m a realist, and that guides my logic on matters like this Let s move forward a few steps and talk about a ReValued dinar I agree that a lower rate than the Kuwaiti Dinar will be a blow to the ego s of the Iraqis I agree that it should be on par with the USD, or even higher I agree that the rate WILL get there eventually I believe that Iraq can sustain a very stable currency at a rate of 3 or higher, but I don t think they will immediately jump to that rate even if they ultimately desire it to be so.3-2-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 We all know the campaign we have been on for many months in recent weeks we ve been screaming Give me Mosul We ve said give me Mosul and you ll see the speed of the MR The FINAL ARTICLES have told you they are going to do something with their exchange rate after the battle of Mosul is over What did Abadi do with his new leadership He created his own war within the GOI CBI and got rid of those who were stealin g money with Maliki A liberated Mosul CONFIDENCE MOSUL Terrorism gone At least most of it The only solution for Iraq s success is for them to raise the value of their currency The battle in Mosul IMO is very close to ending.3-2-2017 Newshound Intel Guru Randy Koonce Everyone needs to be watching events in Mosul As security improves with the continuing advancement of Iraqi forces, and the liberation of Mosul announced officially by Abadi, that will be when our window is the Best Iraq is looking for security from ISIS, along with the US advisors that are there Security and stability really are the keywords And based on recent news on Mosul, it is getting closer So, to repeat We are watching for an official announcement from Abadi that Mosul has been Liberated Based on the information I have right now, once that happens, it should not be but a matter of days Everyone with a say in the matter wants this to happen We are close Every large bank will exchange RELAX the RV is coming post 2 of 2.3-2-2017 Newshound Intel Guru Randy Koonce I have not sent out an updated report in a while because I have been waiting for another good window to open up It looks like we may finally have one If you have been watching reports from other gurus in Dinarland, you know by now that everyone seems to be gathering on the same page, once again I want you to know that it does appear that conditions are coming together that are favorable for the RV to occur, hopefully for the last time My various contacts are all telling me the same thing We are very, very, very close right now I would encourage you, before accepting any announcement of a revaluation, to take the time to check at to confirm that the rate has actually changed You are looking for something along the lines of 289 in the dollar grid If it says 1166 - No RV However, if a decimal number, such as 289 or 256 examples appear - then you too have finally won the lottery At least, that is what you are going to feel like You can see the o fficial CBI rate and current market rate in the Dinar Guru Resource Bar on the left of this page post 1 of 2 stay tuned.3-2-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The spread in Iraq is dropping Good news 1250.3-2-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana If the IQD USD exchange rate and the IQD purchasing power is in fact not based on the price of oil, or the price of tea in China, then why do you think that we have to wait for a Hydro Carbon Law to be passed before an IQD RV. based on feelings. can be implemented You answered the question yourself, buddy The HCL is exactly what will give the world confidence - good feelings - about Iraq and their ability to repay their debt.3-2-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Holly1 Quote Haitham Alaffas The central bank works to support the Iraqi dinar and reliable sources suggest the landing of the dollar to 122 in the next wee k what does landing of the dollar to 122 in the next week mean IMO THE DOLLAR 122 NEXT WEEK GO DOWN I N MY WAY OF THINKING AND I DONT THINK LIKE A IRA QI I WOULD THINK THAT IS WHAT HE IS SAYING IMO FINGERS CROSSED.3-2-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc Would IQD be the strongest currency in the world if it weren t pegged to our dollar UNFORTUNATELY, VALUE GLOBALLY IS DETERMINED BY THE DOLLAR, THEREFORE YOU CAN T KNOW WHAT ANYTHING IS WORTH WITH OUT THE REFERENCE TO THE DOLLAR SINCE WE AREN T ON THE GOLD STANDARD THE DOLLAR IS THE REFERENCE OF VALUE FOR EVERYTHING THIS IS WHY WHEN OTHER COUNTRIES WANT TO OFFICIALLY LAUNCH THEIR ASSET-BACKED CURRENCY THERE NEEDS TO BE THE NEW DOLLAR PUBLICLY TO DETERMINE WHAT THEIR VALUE IS THE GOLD STANDARD WAS GIVEN UP LONG AGO FOR THE DOLLAR THE DOLLAR DETERMINES VALUE GLOBALLY NOW IMO.3-1-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I m re-releasing my thoughts on the RATE That will come tomorrow, and HINT I am sticking to my older number, but there s a chance I ll be able to bump it up and be confident about it No promises on anything more than my original rate though Since there are so many thousand investors I am one that are breathlessly waiting for the RV What benefit is it to Iraq to pay out many millions upon millions of dollars to all of us How can they possibly have enough U S dollars on hand for all those who are waiting for the RV Wow I just spent most of the morning 4AM I couldn t sleep writing about this exact thing Watch for my RATE post coming later this week I cover exactly that.3-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 we have been hearing contradictory information, so I m trying to confirm stuff because things can change in a minute My last tidbit was that people were waiting for cards to be funded and activated on the new rate Citizens are reporting that cards are funded, but at the same old program rate Then last night, I heard something indicating the exact opposite, so we are trying to confirm which is true old rate or new rate on the cards The Iraq Stock Exchange opened today, and there were lots of rumors about what that means, whether a new rate is attached for bond purchases and stock purchases As far as international status is concerned, there is no doubt the dinar is international The laws are kicking in for the growth of the country and that is good for us We are still waiting for the rate change I like the information, although nothing really definitive to say this is the week The main news we were focused on is Mosul, and they say that the city has been liberated, and ISIL is on the run It all sounds good, and it all says to me just a little bit longer this ride is coming to an end.3-1-2017 Intel Newshound Guru tman23 Iraq has been operating for years with a parallel rate which is 2 rates So much as the IMF told them back early 2016 to get off it Now we are seeing that unfold as all banks in Iraq are connected to the CBI and in unison with exchange rate YET we have not seen the CBI update the DATE on their website for indicative rates Indicative--expressing simple statement of a fact And with that thought, one can make the assumption that possibly the fa ct is the rate is no longer what the CBI has published on their site therefore they have not updated the date.3-1-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc IRAQ TOLD US THAT THE UST WAS IN THEIR COUNTRY ON FEB THE 8 th, AND THEY WERE HOOKING UP THE DIGITAL DINAR TO THE DIGITAL DOLLAR WE, IN ADDITION, HAVE WORD FROM THE SWIFT THAT THEY ARE NOW READY TO GO WITH 60 COUNTRIES COMPLETION CAN OCCUR ANY TIME NOW AND LIKE FRANK GURU FRANK26 HAS SAID TIME IS UP WELL ALMOST AT LEAST I THINK WE ALL WANT TO SEE MORE PUBLICLY ON THAT DIGITAL DOLLAR BUT IT MAY BE HIDDEN UNTIL LAUNCH I THINK THE EVENTS OF MARCH WILL BEGIN TO UNFOLD AND MAYBE JUST MAYBE THE SHIA BROTHERS IRAQ IRAN WILL FINISH THE RACE TOGETHER OR VERY CLOSE TO EACH OTHER WE WILL SEE THIS WILL SIMPLY BE AN EVENTFUL MONTH HANG ON TO YOUR HATS, SEATS, AND TICKETS IM ALL IN IMO.3-1-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article quote US President Donald Trump displayed after assuming the presidency of the United States, a project he called the reconstruction o f Iraq for oil to the US House of Representatives her comments alone add validity to the plan, if it wasn t real, she wouldn t squeal Pass the laws, keep making progress on the MCP and get the dinar in Article VIII so they can finally begin the process of adding value.3-1-2017 Intel Guru Bruce They have a new rate which is on their Qi cards debit cards Yesterday they started to pay not only the back pay at new rates, but also started paying a lot of other people in situations in Iraq upward of 4 25 and maybe somewhere close to 5 That would be a great international rate of the Iraqi dinar Also we have heard that the testing that was done yesterday on the Iraqi stock exchange ISX No problems, smooth sailing We understand as result of the positive testing, that Iraq is to open their stock exchange, ISX, Wednesday morning at 9am Baghdad time We understand that could be significant as far the timing of what it is we are looking for Iraq has the rate We are looking for the rate change to occ ur on the CBI web site pretty soon post 2 of 2.3-1-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Mosul has been liberated they have had major success in that Saturday Iraq began to offer brand new Iraqi sovereign bonds for sale notice it was a sovereign bond offering That means Iraq has their sovereignty back It was offered internationally so they have an international known rate available for their Iraqi dinar and it is priced into their bond offering That is big news most significant news to prove Iraq was back doing business internationally What has been happening in Iraq We know the Reconciliation Act was to pass Sunday or Monday This was something that had to be signed off by the IMF, UN, the United States government That has been handled That doesn t totally affect us on the timing of the RV, but a good thing to know Also that occurred on Sunday was the Amnesty law It has finally passed as well post 1 of 2 stay tuned.3-1-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Consultant Abadi Cancel the foreign exchange c ontrol department of the Central Bank of the need for the new system Quotes a need a new political system based on a market economy in the democratic systems that rely policy of market economy, it gives freedom of movement of money I believe Saleh is calling for the transition to a market economy This would then end the daily auctions as the CBI would move to IMF Article VIII, get off the peg and float the dinar.2-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 I just gave you 10 reasons WHY Iraq is international not counting eDinars Here is 11 11 INTERNATIONAL AIR STRIKE on SYRIA Iraq did an air raid across their borders and we allowed it Baghdadi is running where There is only one place Syria Iraq wanted to bomb Baghdadi in Syria THIS IS PERSONAL for IRAQ To strike Baghdadi outside of their borders is HUGE 11 items of why Iraq is going to be international IMO soon their currency will grow-up to become international The military side is just not ready to tell you that they are done yet IMO they are close because Abadi is telling the international world to come in post 2 of 2.2-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 10 things that prove Iraq is stepping on INTERNATIONAL ground 1 IBAN every bank has IBAN numbers allows them to transfer money in out 2 SWIFT CODES these numbers part of the international world 3 MASTERCARD and Visa they are all over the place in Iraq 4 CHAPTER VII IMO is 90 gone The other 10 is the RV of their currency 5 NO PROGRAM RATE on CBI SPREADSHEET for about 2 months now 6 AUCTIONS are CONTROLLING MCP s 7 IRAQI STOCK EXCHANGE keeps proclaiming they are going international 8 WTO ASKED THEM TO JOIN spells international 9 WAKRA is finally catching up website finally updating 10 BONDS international bonds two of them post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-28-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo It took ISF four days to get from the airport to the bridge, so progress has definitely slowed since they moved in to the city from the desert but ISF is still advancing and every piece of real estate they pick up mak es it harder for IS to defend West Mosul I m gonna revise my prediction for the liberation of Mosul to March 21 from March 31 See below for previous Thomas van Linge maps on 2-25-2017.2-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Another important thing Dr Shabibi came out and condemned Maliki and you will start to see EVEN MORE That will help with the monetary reform help with the lava-flow Watch for more on Dr Shabibi and Maliki In the end, Dr Shabibi will make a speech to you Security is coming in many ways We USA are planting a presence sooo deep We told you some articles would come out about the new Iraqi dinar being used in-country and they are coming post 2 of 2.2-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 THIS FRIDAY I believe that could be a good time-frame for the liberation of Mosul Once we have Mosul does that mean we have the RV No this is a lava-flow process What does Mosul give you SECURITY and STABILITY IMO Mosul is about to be announced to the world Iraq needs international investors and I believe tha t is the big campaign now by Abadi Come in and invest in our country This airport once it was captured IMO it opened the door did you know that we are building 7 bases in Iraq WE AIN T GOING ANYWHERE and the INTERNATIONAL WORLD KNOWS IT post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-27-2017 Newshound Guru BGG I just heard on Fox news that somebody felt it might take a year to get ice is out of Mozel They are HAMMERING AWAY at these guys RIGHT NOW This won t take a year It won t take a month in fact, over the last several days, in spite of HEAVY FIGHTING, there are maps showing the Iraqi regulars holding nearly 20 of the last half of Mosul Iraq is hitting ISIS in Syria CUTTING OFF ROUTES of escape This is a TURKEY SHOOT about to happen.2-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Commercial layer parasitic I run the Americans in Iraq and the balance of the bank continues to decline Quote the current value of the Iraqi dinar is not a real value but a value for the stability and the alternative is a monetary rese rves because the government can not afford to float the currency politically IMO, they wouldn t be talking about it, if it was not the plan Soon we can hope the float will start.2-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 On Iraqi television this morning, they were told the stock exchange is going international in March, with no delays That is the good Iraq news, for those who believe nothing will happen until things happen in Iraq Mosul is pretty much in the bag how important that will be will become clear I m still at any minute, any hour , and I know there was a desire to get this done by the end of the month we are close s lowly but surely, it s coming This RV is like running water, and it s difficult to stop running water once it s started flowing So we wait to see what happens next post 2 of 2.2-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The fight has moved over to Syria, with Abadi ordering air force attacks Mosul seems to be no longer an issue, unless they are doing both at the same time Also, Iraq is sayi ng Mosul is steps away from complete freedom Supposedly a new plan to defeat ISIL is to be revealed today Western Mosul has been reclaimed, with government buildings, etc That says something to us large groups of ISIL are surrendering Also Iraq offered its first international bond to the markets Farmers are supposed to receive their back pay today, and also fingerprinting for international Visa cards We are told this is to be at the new rate With the new cards, the currency is certainly international post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-27-2017 Newshound Guru tlm724 Article The Ministry of Commerce held a conference last week that trade policy and economic reform with broad participation and the presence of specialists in the economy What is your take on this Quote the current value of the Iraqi dinar is not a real value but a value for the stability and the alternative is a monetary reserves because the government can not afford to float the currency politically I think when it says the governmen t can not afford to float the currency politically they are right Politically here is no Minister of Finance and the CBI governor is a Bozo, that is some serious instability if you ask me We all know the dinar is grossly undervalued and the reserves are down because Iraq is just now graduating from the Economic s 101 class They are making great progress with the electronic system which is very encouraging Without that piece of the puzzle we would have little hope They need liquidity badly and the only way they are going to get peoples money is to make those deposit s insured That is what I am looking for next.2-27-2017 Newshound Guru loop LOVE THE DUE DILIGENCE THAT THE BANKS AND GOI ARE DOING IT SHOWS A REAL COMMITMENT, ON THEIR PART, TO STOP THE CORRUPTION ONCE AND FOR ALL THEY STILL HAVE MUCH WORK TO DO ON THIS FRONT ONE THING HAS BECOME VERY APPARENT TO ANYONE READING THE NEWS THEY ARE DONE ALLOWING THEIR WEALTH TO BE STOLEN BY CROOKS THIS BODES VERY WELL FOR THE IRAQI CITIZENS AND US THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE IMF NEEDS TO SEE THEM DOING.2-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Central Bank Governor We support researchers and experts Quote the strength of the role of the banking sector is largely based on the strength of the economy and the stability and diversity, and its role in supporting and stimulating the private sector as the fundamental basis for the economy and growth No secrets or shortcuts Though not what most want to hear, it is what we want to hear Simply because as the economy grows so will the dinar Balassa-Samuelson effect.2-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke We will tell you, that the focus has changed from just Iraq s Safety Security, clearing, liberation - to, and including a REGIONAL focus of Safety Security, which is now centered also in Syria and others We mentioned this possibility about the status of Syria Iraq being equally important and related and we talked about a Trigger recently too we re going to have to see where this goes, over the nex t few days there is a strategy, that s of course hidden, and it definitely involves, the economics currency movements of Iraq and others Don t put much stock in this Bond thing, introduced this weekend fyi Standby in Positive Expectation, and watch The STORM for now It s Beautiful What is REAL, is that we ve put ALL DATES TIMELINES OFF THE TABLE NOW IT S A BRAND NEW BALL GAME, FRIENDS There s a LOT MORE TO COME, before Anything meaningful moves is clear ALL in our Opinion post 2 of 2.2-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke This is Truly, The PERFECT STORM , and we re right square in the middle of it We were hoping for more to share today, that was significantly meaningful Clear, but it just hasn t been the case So, we re currently in STANDBY mode and hope that by this coming Thursday, March 2nd, things will clear up, and become more solidly known We re not saying things are happening Sooner and we re not saying things are happening Later we really don t know at this point, BECAUSE THINGS HAVE C HANGED SO MUCH OVER THE PAST 2 DAYS and if we did, we d relay those things along to you It s truly a very massive and widespread storm with Heightened ILLUSION but one thing s for sure it s POSITIVELY MOVING FORWARD ALL of Life is about TIMING post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-27-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Iraqi Stock Exchange is looking forward to new laws to operate locally and globally launched Iraqi Stock Exchange is looking forward to new laws to operate locally and globally launched Holy Did I just read that right There is a reason they are talking about this right now it would appear this is on the verge of happening.2-26-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article Rasheed develop a plan to open branches in the liberated areas Banks What caught my attention in this article was that they are in starting to talk about opening and rolling out modern advanced services in the liberated areas This says one thing to me They feel the there is enough SABILITY and SECURITY in the liberated areas to move f orward with normalized banking operations Which means that they must feel that there is little or no threat that the banks funds will fall into the hands to Daesh.2-26-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc Article Rafidain Bank directs its branches update data before retiring salaries SEEMS LOGICAL TO VALIDATE THE RETIREES ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU RE ESPECIALLY CLOSE TO MAKING DISBURSEMENTS ON A LARGE SCALE.2-26-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article Iraq complains Ministry of Finance s lack of cooperation with the retirement body disgruntled pensioners of procedures Quote Rafidain Bank was forced to exchange for several months, in spite of the suffering experienced by the bank, due to the lack of liquidity due to the lack of liquidity I KNOW WHAT WOULD FIX THE ISSUE INCREASING THE PURCHASE POWER OF THE DINAR.2-26-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo Article Abadi Votal discuss the battle of Mosul and international support for Iraq foreign jihadis leaving for Syria, allegedly on Baghdadi s orders This operation is almost over, folks IS is being demoted back to the JV team.2-26-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article Abadi Votal discuss the battle of Mosul and international support for Iraq To say I m surprised is an understatement, they ve been fighting these guys for years Let s hope they keep up the momentum and free the entire city.2-26-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc Article Iran s Parliament Approves Bond Issue for Oil Projects THIS SEEMS CONSISTENT WITH OTHER ARTICLES THAT IRAN WILL HAVE A NEW RATE AND WILL BE A SINGLE PAYMENT SYSTEM WHICH IS DIGITAL AFTER MARCH 20th SELLING BONDS AFTER THAT NEW FISCAL YEAR FOR THEM MAKES SENSE WHAT I LIKE EVEN BETTER IS THAT A DIGITAL DOLLAR AND MOST LIKELY DINAR THAT HELPS BACK THAT NEW DOLLAR WILL ARRIVE PRIOR REMEMBER THE DOLLAR IS THE GLOBAL REFERENCE OF VALUE THEREFORE IT MUST SHOW FIRST OR AT THE SAME TIME AS OUR BELOVED DINAR.2-26-2017 Newshound Guru loop The Iraqi s are continuing to show us daily that they are very serious about reforming every le vel of their government to provide a better future for their people Corruption is being dealt with as they find it There is still much work to be done on this front But the speed at which they are confronting it is spectacular IMO The battle to free the Right coast is progressing very nicely The on going media blitz on Maliki is very telling His time is coming to and end His is about to reap the what he has sown IMO Munich was a definite catalyst for the recent move on him IMO It s shows how close we are getting to realize the the fruits of our labor The continued dialogue in the media about national reconciliation shows how serious they are about it It s not over until the fat Iraqi woman sings, but I have a feeling that she is about to belt out one heck of a tune.2-25-2017 Intel Guru Delta Dont know if relevant DEAL-Iraq s First International, Sovereign Bond NOT ONLY RELEVANT BUT VERY HUGE IRAQ HAS ISSUED ITS FIRST EVER INTERNATIONAL SOVEREIGN BOND IT WAS ISSUED ON 02 24 17 There wer e contingency for this They decided YES THAT S WHY IT S HUGE WARKA TOTAL BLOCKED TODAY.2-25-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke Lots of things are Changing rapidly, and BIGLY , friends As or right now, ALL OF OUR TIMELINES, previously stated, are no longer applicable We will update you sometime tomorrow, after everything comes together As for right now, we DO NOT see anything significantly happening with rates, tonight or tomorrow We ll get you more detail, sometime tomorrow There s been major HIDDEN information surface Hint Now, Iraq sending airstrikes to Syria to secure the border IOO.2-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 It has reported that the military base in Western Mosul has been re-claimed today by Iraqi troops The government buildings being the next victory, are in short distance Large groups of Isis are surrendering Iraq has issued its first internationally sold sovereign bond in the international capital markets.2-25-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc THE END TO THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD IS NOW I N SIGHT OUR LONG AND DIFFICULT JOURNEY IS COMING TO ITS END RECENTLY, WE SAW IRAQ ADMIT A VERY LARGE DISCOVERY OF BLACK GOLD IN SOUTHERN IRAQ IRAN DID THE SAME THING JUST A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO BY ADDING THESE NEW ASSETS TO THEIR CREDIT WITH THE IMF, THEY WILL LIKELY BE ABLE TO SUSTAIN A MUCH HIGHER CURRENCY VALUE THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT IN THE CASE OF IRAQ, I BELIEVE THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION WOULD LIKE A HIGHER CURRENCY VALUE FOR IRAQ SO THAT THE U S CAN ACHIEVE A BALANCED BUDGET VALUE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE, AND YOU MY FRIENDS, WERE ABLE TO BE A PART OF HISTORY ISN T IT NICE TO BE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE VALUE EQUATION WE ARE ALMOST TO THE EMERALD CITY NOW AND IT S TIME TO SEE OZ WE WILL PULL BACK THE CURTAIN IN MARCH.2-25-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo Seems to be going significantly better than expected so far This guy Thomas van Linge has a map see below that he updates regularly as things change, and the ISF-controlled areas of West Mosul have been rapidly creeping north They got the airp ort and the base next to it yesterday, and they are already making serious inroads in the city From the estimates I heard a week ago, this kind of progress wasn t expected for well over a month not bad, huh Last week, everyone was predicting this operation would take six months see maps below.2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article Twilight News agency Standard Poor s credit rating The classification of Iraq was confirmed at B - B with a stable outlook Well we can see the negative side to this the B - or we can instead focus on what we see as a positive that their fiscal discipline has improved and it is believed will remain stable for the next few years or at least for a few days until God explodes a blessing all across Iraq oh how quickly things can change so very quickly indeed IMO.2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article Parliamentary Finance Iraq s debt rising to more than 126 trillion dinars Quote The Committee suggested that the Government, if the price per barrel rose to abo ve 45, to go surplus funds to the central bank to increase the cash reserve, or the repayment of foreign debt I found the article referenced just above to be interesting It says that at 45 per barrel Iraq would be in a surplus position According to NASDAQ the current price of oil is 54 per barrel This means that Iraq has apparently cured their budget deficit problems, at least according to the IMF It is also for this reason that the IMF can postulate that reserves in Iraq will rise significantly over the next 2 or 3 years to 91 billion Having said that, I feel that the IMF in making these statements is quite confident that things are moving in the right direction for them to initiate the float this year.2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Abadi Votal discuss the battle of Mosul and international support for Iraq I don t expect the CBI to flip a switch the day after liberalization of Mosul It will take some time to stabilize the area and begin the clean up, return citizens to thei r homes etc So we could be waiting a few months after before the CBI decides to begin currency reform Especially with the spread still not close to 2.2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article After Mosul Certainties and Uncertainties the US position in Iraq post DAASH is becoming clearer by the day IMO Keep the peace between the various political factions build those bases and staff them to further kick some DAASH butt in nearby Syria and don t lose sight of that GIGANTIC pool of oil we may not own it but we want first dibs to it Plus have Iraq stepping out on the world stage for the first time being the ones who get to introduce her to the world oh buddy good times are coming because the BEST is coming I m looking to Sunday maybe into Monday to be quite interesting.2-24-2017 Intel Guru Bruce My understanding is that President Trump is actually doing everything in his power which is substantial as we know to move this thing through and get it done now We heard 3 days ago now actually that the banks in Mosul were up and running I believe the Mosul airport is up and running now I don t know how much work the city needs in terms of infrastructure I believe it needs a whole lot At least in the day to day operations from what I understand are back in place There have been a few little announcements in main stream news here about the restoration of Mosul being taken back which is very positive I just got a call that approximately at 9pm EST Thursday that Iraq began their monetary reform on their CBI website So what they are doing now in trying to update and possibly put out new rates I hope essentially is the trigger for the RV for the dinar Looks like Iraq has begun their process of economic monetary reform through their CBI website I am excited I think that is a good sign we are in really good shape for this to roll out.2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Iraq joined the Convention on the transparency of the arbitration between investors and states Quote This ag reement is an important message and clear to the world that Iraq is a major hub in the Middle East for investment and reconstruction and construction, noting that this agreement adopted by the United Nations to save the rights transparently in the event of a conflict between investors and states Dispute resolution is critical A good sign.2-24-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article Parliamentary oil suggest the presence of 300 billion barrels of undiscovered Quote the oil profanity by Mehdi al-Hafez, Tuesday, that there is a plan of action will begin to explore more than 300 billion barrels of oil, Iraq added to the reserve If Hafiz is correct Iraq will have the largest reserves in the world What we do know for sure is that they just add 10 billion to their reserves last week Iraq is currently 5th in the world as far as oil reserves go Much of their country has yet to be explored for oil I would be surprised if they do not find much more.2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Keep in mind, there a re several things that could effect the reserves Oil prices could skyrocket to 100 , they could officially get out of UN Chapter 7 and get some funds that are being held released, etc But it seems like the IMF has a plan with the CBI We all have seen the efforts the last 12 months or so to improve the banking system So despite these possibilities, I believe the reason is more in line with improving Iraq s economy, putting people to work, rebuilding post ISIL and opening the banking system to the world for investment at least we can hope anyway post 2 of 2.2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article IMF confirms the stability of Iraq s reserves of hard currency Quote the IMF said in his study, that Iraq reserves will arrive in 2018 to 62 billion and then rise to 91 billion in 2020 due to improved conditions of the Iraqi economy and oil exports and its derivatives and the sufficiency of electricity imported to some provinces and gas export and promotion of tourism, industry and all economi c resources bode well I think the important thing here is that something pretty substantial must occur this year for this forecast to be true As we all should know by now, Iraqi oil is not enough at the current prices to increase reserves because they spend more than they make So I expect them to transition to a market economy this year in order to improve the reserves by 50 billion over the next two years or so post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-24-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 The IMF doesn t want them to float but IMO I think they are going to float There is a compression of a lot of DEAL going on as the fat lady gets out of the way to show the liberation of Mosul Once you have Mosul you ll see the reason for the negotiations which you wouldn t see happening with a program rate The DEALS are across the board creating fairness in trade and currencies This is VERY historical I like how Abadi told everyone at the meeting in Germany we re open for business come on in Germany did tell Abadi ok and they did quickly Abadi received today a German delegation Merkel says they are there to help with the economic reforms Didn t take them long to show up No country is in this for an 1186 program rate.2-23-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article Ayman total liberation of Mosul operations within 72 hours We seem to be under a time clock don t we Family 72 hour count down and ticking and we could be ABOUT done with Mosul to hopefully meet President Trump s satisfaction may we see strong evidence of Monetary Reform shortly that leans on a sexy rate the BEST is coming tick tock goes the countdown clock Mosul Mosul come on over so when did this clock start to tick on the 21st some time pray for a wild weekend of great celebration that Mosul is finally back in the hands of the good guys.2-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Do other countries have HCLs is there anything to compare this process to An HCL by any other name is still an Oil Law However Iraq is the only country to my knowledge that has T HIS much riding on the passage of such a law.2-23-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Abadi condemning al-Maliki in the fall of Mosul He wanted to be Prime Minister, time he take responsibility for his actions or lack there of 2-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Dr Shabibi anything to say Dr Shabibi came out and said that Maliki stopped everything Abadi asked Why did Maliki give up Mosul Why did he remove 3 units of protection Why Maliki Obviously he was in coo hoots with ISIS They are now calling for high-treason in Iraq and INTERNATIONAL COURTS TIME IS UP TIME TO PAY MALIKI FOR YOUR CRIMES we told you there would be another speech from Dr Shabibi JUST BEFORE they were ready TA-DA-FREAKIN - DA The MR will IMO will blossom after Mosul is announced Once Mosul is liberated they will liberate the IQD from the program rate post 2 of 2.2-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 The reason why we don t see the exchange rate of the IQD released yet because there are a LOT of DEALS being made IMO about 2 weeks ago we have enough of Mosul to have the RV of the currency of Iraq now that was MY OPINION but apparently that is not President Trump s opinion He wants to extinguish ISIS That s why many DEALS IMO are being born combination of removing ISIS give me Mosul and you ll see the MR We ve got like 30 articles now evidence of what they are going to do It s not that we want fully security by removing all of ISIS while that is happening, Trump is making a lot of DEALS with Abadi IMO Iraq is being used as LEVERAGE to do a lot of DEALS around the world Has Abadi seen Trump yet No not until Abadi is done with this and that but Trump has Abadi s back post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-23-2017 Newshound Guru loop His opinion is that 83333 cents to the dollar would be more managable So the exchange rate would be 1 83 1 20 1 divided by 83 In USD This is where they feel they can defend support the rate based on their current economic capacity This will increase over time has they economy grows Remember that this is one persons opinion What is so very encouraging is that this really shows that the expectation is a marked increase in value, which is very positive for this investment Mr White Guru wmawhite made an excellent point about them not having much to export, other than oil that is The price of oil is fixed in the world markets and is traded in petro dollars so oil would not be effected by the increased dinar value For the rest the GOI can always do what we do in the USA What I am referring to is subsidizing the exports to bring the price down This ensures that industries flourish while keeping the costs of exports low post 2 of 2.2-23-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article quotes Since more than four years and officials in Iraq are talking about a project monetary reform in which to raise the Iraqi currency exchange rate against the dollar so that the new dinar equals 1 2 dinars to the dollar instead of 1200 But the move was postponed to a later date due to the exit of some Iraqi areas under gov ernment control after the occupation of Daesh her Then the military operations began to recover these areas which still exist The government is expected to return to the project itself after the end of military operations The price of the Iraqi dinar former US 3 2 was exaggerated and will continue to be overrated if has to return to it in the future It will make imports cheaper, but it hinders improvement of production and export capacity of Iraq, may be the price of 1 2 dinars to the dollar or dinar against the dollar is a good price So this economist is saying that while 3 2 dollars per dinar Old rate would make imports much cheaper it would cause exports to be expensive post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana can Iraq go on as long as it wants with out RVing They could go forever without revaluing their currency, sure But I don t think they will We are indeed heading to that elusive finish line.2-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Do you really think we ll exchange thi s month Today s February 22nd, and this month ends next Tuesday Yes, I do believe we will exchange this month, based on what I have shared with you and things I have not shared with you, no reason to think otherwise I still look to 3 71 to be the international rate or thereabouts We are in the waiting stage Everything looks good This could pop at any time, and all the technical information that has come to us is saying green light go as soon as this is released post 2 of 2.2-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 All is quiet, maybe a little too quiet We had people in Iraq sending intel that the dollar was banned we expected that, and good to hear it confirmed Articles came out about that as well Most of us know what that means, as one of the conditions favorable for Iraq to be sovereign, with a currency that is competitive to its neighbors There are also rumors about Maliki being brought to justice, and reports of Rafidain Bank is now preparing its customers to accept deposits in dinar only, no longer in dollars nationwide At least, that is the game plan, to ban the US dollar across all provinces post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-22-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke In the past few days, you ve seen the Storm picking up speed Surprise visit to Iraq by Gen Mattis, tons of extra troops into Iraq Mosul on Sunday VP Pence met with Abadi, Merkel of Germany sending envoy to assist with Iraq s Monetary Reform what Monetary Reform and this week, you ve heard all kinds of news regarding the Dinar Rates the Dollar Rates Changing Keep your fingers crossed it s only Feb 22nd, 2 days into the Storm so far, so good 2-22-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL BEHIND THE SCENES ACTION IS STARTING STILL ANTICIPATING THIS WEEK NEWS I CANNOT USE IS VERY POSITIVE THE PICTURE REMAINS BRIGHT.2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The question, then, is When will the Dinar Currency of Iraq Revalue This investment is not a scam, but you must be prepared to wait for things to happen It may revalue, or reinstate , to a previous lev el, which would make many of us rich overnight or it might grow slowly, over time, giving a nice return on an investment that many of us were smart enough to make One thing I do know, for a fact the Iraqi Dinar will not stay at it s current value forever post 3 of 3.2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Here are a couple of very real facts Iraq has a majority of the world s natural reserves and crude oil, putting it on the same level as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait If you know anything at all about Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, you should know that their currency is very valuable and their natural resources are the reason So, why isn t Iraq as rich as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait That answer is simple they only recently established a stable government, elections are now being held successfully, and the march towards financial recovery is progressing steadily Crime and terrorism is lower and lower all the time And just as importantly the Iraqi people are unjustly impoverished as a result of the recent chaos, and they cannot remain in that situation for much longer not when they control a major amount of the world s black gold post 2 of 3 stay tuned.2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana This is the question I ve been seeing a lot lately Is it a scam In a word - NO The Iraqi Dinar is an item that has a past, present, and future value We can put a dollar amount on that value for the past and the present, so the only real question is what the future value will be If the value raises, you can profit It s THAT simple Keep this in mind when you read anything on the dinar - a savvy speculator must always be able to separate fact, opinion, and distractions Here are some facts that will help you with this question of whether or not the Iraqi Dinar is a scam The Iraqi Dinar Currency that is used today in Iraq is arguably one of the most sophisticated currencies in the world The technology that makes it almost impossible to effectively produce usable counterfeit dinar currency is amazing what about the investment itself Is investing in the dinar currency a scam The simplest concept you need to understand when talking about the Dinar Currency is that nobody is going to be able to tell you exactly when it will revalue But does that mean the Iraqi Dinar Currency hype is a scam Absolutely not post 1 of 3 stay tuned.2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article German loan gate to move the labor market Quote approaching global economic blocs in Iraq stems from its importance on the world stage and this important global effort perceived by the evolving under international indicators that put Iraq in the lead among the ten richest countries in the world how can Iraq be placed center stage on TOP of the world as the richest of the richest 10 countries in the world how would that be possible not just in the TOP 10 but at the top of the heap you know what they have to do Abadi has been told what he has to do make it happen 1 the BEST is coming big time BEST can 3 22 make that happen.2- 22-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Funding Facility for Economic Reform established to invigorate Iraq s reform initiatives Quote UNDP will support the Government of Iraq to address key economic challenges and invigorate the reform agenda Diversifying the economy, increasing national income, and improving the management of national assets will be of specific focus Very good article It appears the UN is helping Iraq push these needed reforms forward.2-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I believe the Forex will not show a rate change of these currencies until the 28th of February or the 1st of March we do understand Iraq has moved along very nicely We understand they have the new smart cards, Qi cards Their cards have been charged with their new rates we are looking forward for good news with Iraq about the liberation of Mosul We might have that in the form of an announcement here We know that the banks in Iraq are open even in Mosul the banks are open since 10am yesterday Iraqi time The timi ng of this is very close in terms of what I am hearing What we need is some good news come out of Iraq.2-22-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc Article Treasury Spokesperson of Secretary Mnuchin s Call with International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde Quote Secretary Mnuchin also underscored his expectation that the IMF provide frank and candid analysis of the exchange rate policies of IMF member countries I THINK IT S VERY INTERESTING TO SEE MUNCHKIN MAN AS I AFFECTIONATELY CALL HIM WITH ALL DUE RESPECT OF COURSE MEET TODAY Tuesday WITH CHRISTINE LEGARDE FROM THE IMF THIS SEQUESTERED GENIUS WILL SOON BE ADORED FOR HIS CREATIVE WORK ACTIONS MEAN THINGS.2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Instead, KAP Guru Kaperoni discovered years ago and we have elaborated on many times, a floating currency is the only thing that will work in the real world But more importantly, this guy is convinced that a value of somewhere around 1 20 per dinar is economically feasible and desirable Furthermore, he implies that this has been in the government s plan book for over 4 years, as KAP has already explained for the last 4 years In other words, he is confirming the correct view of the situation while at the same time specifically denying that an RV would work Finally, as KAP noted, we see that, at least from this writer s point of view, the only thing now holding up the implementation of the float is the ISIS situation It is anyone s guess what will be necessary to convince the government to move forward, but it is possible that recovery of Mosul might be sufficient Only time will tell post 2 of 2.2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article Raise the price of the Iraqi dinar to the fore again Quotes Some Iraqi economist calls for the government to lift the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the dollar until the rising purchasing power and increasing confidence it represents the sovereignty of Iraq Since more than four years and officials in Iraq are talking about a project m onetary reform in which to raise the Iraqi currency exchange rate against the dollar so that the new dinar equals 1 2 dinars The government is expected to return to the project itself after the end of military operations This is one of the most positive articles I have read in a long time The author clearly states that it is not possible to RV in the traditional sense and explains why post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-22-2017 Newshound Guru firefly Article Include the introduction of modern irrigation systems Quote The Ministry of Agriculture to prepare new plans aimed at developing the sector, by increasing production through farmer support modern systems of irrigation legalized Remember, one of the IMF requirements was to have Iraq diversify their reserves other than just oil Agriculture is as great an ASSET as is oil and gold Iraq is following the IMF requirements to the TEE.2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni measures need to be in place for the success of the transition from a fixed rate to a float Just exactly to what extent is yet to be seen That being said, I believe once the dinar is internationally convertible worldwide and the CBI is in Article VIII, demand will increase for the dinar Just the exposure alone to the world financial system should be enough to create some upward movement in the value.2-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 On Iraqi TV, via satellite in US, it is reporting in the coming days a mechanism will be activated that will eliminate the US dollar and raise the value of the dinar Reportedly, PM Abadi on Iraqi TV implying that Maliki may be brought before the courts on a charge of high treason Also, indicators are now saying Rafidain Bank is preparing customers to do their deposits in dinars, NOT US dollars.2-21-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article The Washington Institute for Trump Iraq a better partner for the United States How many different ways can you spell DEALS the US is saying that Iraq is a better partner really Remember Iraq was given the cold shoulder by many but now has become a key player and hot potato IMO it goes on to say that Iraq will become rich wealthy and US companies will help level the playing field for them Time is Up the BEST is coming.2-21-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Raise the price of the Iraqi dinar to the fore again Seems pretty clear that the author economists want to raise the value gradually like we have stated over and over The good news is they say they expect it to start once ISIL is gone Quote The government is expected to return to the project itself after the end of military operations.2-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Citizens in Iraq are informing that there is a ban on using the US dollar supposedly in all provinces Is this the final phase to economic reform and a public release of a revalued currency Time Will Tell.2-21-2017 Newshound Guru tlar Do you have a guess on a rate I communicate with another guy who believes there is too much dinar out there for much of an increase Would you agre e with that Its only a best guess as to how many dinars are circulating or how much of what they state is actually USD with the equivalency stated in dinars at any one time, because they will never divulge that to the public or even their own citizens remember it is not dinar released from the CBI that they have to cover, but rather dinar circulating in Iraq in day to day commerce The CBI may have released in the upper 30 trillion range but the dinar circulating is much less than that figure The newspapers and media has always referred to all the dinars released as circulating in Iraq The dinar you and I hold and the dinar not in Iraq that is other countries and central banks, is not considered circulating in Iraq.2-21-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Headline Securities recorded an increase of 308 in the number of shares traded last week that would be for the ISX and 130 7 the week before would appear the chunky money and investors are feeling more and more secure in their own market pla ce BY THE DAY That s a week over week volume increase They know what s coming I just hope they leave a little meat on the bone for us It just shows the mood of the private investor - which is good for us They aren t complaining about the worthlessness of their currency - they are slingin that stuff around like a fat kid chasing ice cream cones.2-21-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article Iraq discuss with the launch of the International Monetary Fund for a new batch of loan Iraq must have been doing some wonderful things to see a new batch of loans being considered dontcha think.2-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Mosul stability security for ALL of the Middle East AND Europe DEALS outside of Iraq with the UK with China they are willing to play fair with their currencies DEALS with Vietnam Wait didn t Obama put sanctions on Vietnam Yes Vietnam sanctions are only on their currency They got caught just like China for manipulating their rate But those sanctions in about 2 weeks are going to be li fted Their revaluations will not be like Iraq IMO smaller increments in about 6 phases DEALS are being made while the value of the IQD is low with countries who are waiting for the IQD to come out DEALS whatever you want to call them was slipped into the formula for the release date of the RV of the IQD Something is up because TIME IS UP All we are doing is waiting for the rate to go up post 3 of 3.2-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Trump says to Abadi go to Germany talk to those in the long-line tell them to invest in your country Tell you citizens that the full assault on Mosul will begin this Sunday Seven American bases in Iraq we USA are not going anywhere This is the beginning to the end of ALL OF MOSUL and IMO in ABOUT 2 weeks it could be less Mosul is being completed at a much faster pace This is the FULL-ON ASSAULT for the MR Monetary Reform Is it Iraq s choice to wait for Mosul for the RV No It s not Iraq s choice We USA are not the only players in Iraq IMF, UN, BIS, WB, etc Iraq ha s its feet being held to the fire by those involved in the MR post 2 of 3 stay tuned.2-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 On the early dawn on Sunday, something dramatic happened for our investment DEALS are going on happening so fast Out of nowhere all of these countries want to MAKE DEALS Security and stability is really the key all over the world right now and it all starts in IRAQ If people want to make DEALS to include China and North Korea so that things are FAIR that is astonishing DEALS are being made for everyone that s in the LONG-LINE those that want to play on an even playing field equal and fair trade TIME IS UP And that s why we have DEALS that are being made DEALS will fatten Iraq s reserves fuel their future IMO over the weekend these DEALS were triggered off all from a phone call The call Trump to Abadi A NEW DEAL was born And that s probably why we haven t see the MR yet Trump is a master negotiator and as a holder of IQD you should be thrilled about that post 1 of 3 stay tun ed.2-21-2017 Newshound Guru firefly I don t have a date nor a rate but one thing is for certain, we are standing on the edge of the precipice And IT WILL NOT Be A FREE FLOAT LIKE SOME FOLKS SUGGEST Those that suggest a free float are not very versed on the laws set up by the IMF and the WB a few years ago.2-21-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article quote the signing of the agreement represents an important signal to the international arena that Iraq is committed to all the rules of transparency in international arbitration in case of dispute between the investors and the states , and expressed hope that Iraq is essential to attracting capital and cente r Huge step forward to open the doors to the wall of Investors IT s right out of article 22 of the Investment Law Article 22 The foreign investor shall enjoy additional privileges in accordance with international agreements signed between Iraq and his country or multilateral international agreements which Iraq has joined.2-21-2017 Newshound Gu ru Aggiedad77 Article Keywords cash reserve is reassuring for the next five years Quote it has received praise from specialized international organizations, and the reserve is calculated by the Central and the international Monetary Fund does not accurately raises concern for the next five years Why would Iraq s Central Bank Reserves be considered by not only themselves but the IMF for the next five years may I say deal because of what has been agreed upon that perhaps we do not yet see But what you do see is perhaps not all of the picture remember boatloads of money coming into Iraq a short while ago many things doubled oh but that was a tip of the iceberg IMO the IMF and others can see the full iceberg and no it is not global warming that is shrinking anything it is global agreements that in fact are growing the iceberg and that growth will soon stimulate an explosion that will catch our world as we know it in a shocking but oh so positive surprise Wait for it for IMO the BEST is com ing.2-20-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV is reportedly referencing economic reform with officials discussing raising the dinar to 1 20 to the US dollar Time Will Tell.2-20-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article Keywords private banks, their performance distinctive and are satisfied with it Alak came out today punching the media for misreporting he is saying out of 60 private banks only 2 or 3 are not where they should be and they are currently work with them to correct this ealier in the week a MP on the finance committee came out with the figure that the CBI reserves are 40 billion dollars and Alak came out today saying that the reserves are 49 billion dollars and that they are well within international accepted standards In addition they the reserves cover the local currencies by a large margin It s important to note that most countries in the world only have enough reserves to cover their currency by 10 Iraq can currently cover their currency by over a 100.2-20-2017 Newshound Guru Aggie dad77 Article Proceeded Rasheed Bank, on Monday, activating the e-government citizen complaints for the service of citizens Iraqi citizens the digital world is coming to a bank near you get on board and get ready for a wild and wonderful ride To make this work Iraq has to continue to improve the electricity issues around their country but rest assured this e - thing is here to stay welcome to our world welcome to the big leagues deals are done contracts are done money is ready honey just push GO and start collecting For this done deal to materialize before our eyes the BEST is coming and it s all about Iraq and the World in the still of their night let us smile.2-20-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL LOOKING LIKE GREEN IS A VERY REAL POSSIBILITY LATER THIS WEEK I EXPECT A MAJOR ACTION TUESDAY OR THURSDAY WHEN IT OCCURS, WE ARE THERE I AM LOOKING FOR EXCITING THINGS TO HAPPEN IN MOSUL, AND WITH REGARD TO OUR OWN CURRENCY THIS WEEK LET S SEE IF THOSE CAN BRING US HOME.2-20-2017 Newshound Guru mike if the market rate drops is that a good thing The market rate, or street, dropping is a good thing As of today the street rate is 1270- 1 The official rate is 1182- 1, so there s a spread between the two is 88 dinars, or roughly 7 5 That s not good enough for the IMF, they want the MCP, or spread, to be 2 or less and hold it for at least 90 days before Iraq can move to Article VIII compliance In a nutshell, the market rate dropping is a good thing You can see the Official CBI Dinar rate and the CBI reported Market Rate in the Dinar Guru Resource bar on the left side of this page.2-20-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling What s the deal with the math with Iraq Take a look at this look at their economy now How much oil are they producing compared to how many people they have and the market prices Now go look before the first gulf war They are producing more There are more people in the world buying oil so the whole thing is bigger B ut their currency is at a tenth of a penny You think that s t he market rate Are you blind This is for the people who are not in this investment how blind are you Obviously the currency is artificially held down Go by the math All the math is there All the proof is there You don t need to have doubts The question is, when is this going to happen Everything I talk about is based on s the numbers It s everything Fortunately, I didn t come up with those numbers Guess who came up with those numbers The Ministry of Finance The Ministry of Planning The parliament the CBI That s what you need to worry about.2-20-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG the signing of the agreement represents an important signal to the international arena that Iraq is committed to all the rules of transparency in international arbitration in case of dispute between the investors and the states , and expressed hope that Iraq is essential to attracting capital and center the agreement represents an important signal to the international arena BOOM they are providing assurances, protec tions and a way in and out for international investors these are CRITICAL items to the freedom of movement of capital in and out of Iraq The agreement was signed at the United nations yes, which BTW was more than a little shocking to me It appears the UN is much more involved I imagined.2-20-2017 Newshound Guru wmawhite Article quote the signing of the agreement represents an important signal to the international arena that Iraq is committed to all the rules of transparency in international arbitration in case of dispute between the investors and the states, and expressed hope that Iraq is essential to attracting capital and center This shows that the GOI has been signing agreements conventions that we never knew about The GOI has been doing this because they do not require the Parliament consent to do so HUGE well as important bilateral and international conventions signed by Iraq and the number of States And where was this announcement made the United Nations The agreement was signed at the United nations.2-20-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article The Central Bank of Iraq, Sunday, for his ability to cover Iraq s international obligations as well as foreign trade financing, as he emphasized that the country s reserves of foreign currency within the international standards so how are they able to do this with a program rate inquiring minds want to know Big things are coming this week listen to President Trump watch what goes on my glass is running over and has been since Friday afternoon cautiously optimistic And yes Time is UP.2-20-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG much of the expectation we ve all had - was directly inspired by Abadi and Alak They are the ones telling us when they were going to start the project whatever delay Alak commented on - seems to drawing to a close the delay - appears to be the handling of Mosul They expected this done sooner - it wasn t looks like now it is That s the key - AND, I fully expect some very good news coming out of Mosul this co ming week.2-19-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 IMO there will be good come of this trip in many ways watch for it and with President Trump s rousing speech yesterday, it could likely be this week IMO if today s window slides by I can see a window either being stretched or a new one being opened until the end of this month or to day because events are happening so quickly You aren t seeing all of what is happening IMO what the media reports is only the tip of the iceberg with these meetings again IMO post 2 of 2.2-19-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article Iraqi presence was influential and present through other meetings Observers believe that the Abadi succeeded in marketing the Iraqi issue globally and gain the trust and sympathy of participants in the conference leaders It is my deep opinion that Abadi is meeting with more world leaders on this trip than just about any trip he s made in the last year something is up Something is astir with all these meetings and the kingpin of them all his meeting with VP Pence IMO he might as well been having a face to face with President Trump that message being delivered by VP Pence was as good as it coming from Trump himself post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-19-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG HCL land boundries and alotment for oil HCL is generally referrred to as The Hydro-Carbon Law - AKA H C L there are several variants for a true HCL - it is possible they need to solve Article 140 - which will require a truely accurate census none of which will happen soon now - here s the good news They have managed to side-step this whole issue by regularly codifying something of an HCL agreement in each and every annual budget since 2015 HCL isn t so much land boundaries as it is - WHO GETS WHAT in simplest terms how much each bunch gets But they have handled it - in more of a technical end around always heard no hcl no reval let me help you - that s bull.2-19-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 the Iraqis are doing their part well with this last push of Mosul all is good the BEST is coming the feeling I m getting over the battle action in Mosul plus the kinds of meetings that Abadi is having in Munich plus the sheer numbers of meetings he s having add that on top of Trumps HUGE speech yesterday this plan IMO is coming together It s been planned for the right moment and I m thinking it s definitely not months away, nor even weeks away but we all know it s the ME and they drag their feet in the sand but Trump is a strong businessman who expects that anyone he works with to be prompt, professional, and to get things done No more lollygagging like we ve seen in the past he knows what is needed and the results it will bring it all is pointing in a positive way it is a time to be searching for the nuggets that are thrown out it may not be heavily announced in the still of their night watch for it.2-19-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Yesterday Mosul went from Medium Done to Well Done IMO.2-19-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Article Iraq joins the tra nsparency in the arbitration agreement between investors and states Oh wow - they are REALLY BEATING THIS DRUM right now Once international investment has both and way in and a way out - you can have freedom of movement of capital - AKA TRUE EXCHANGE then the IQD will be able to move freely as well They may not be there just yet, but they aren t far off You mean freedom as in some form of FREE MARKET ECONOMY in every sense of the word.2-19-2017 Newshound Guru loop Investors will not come to Iraq in any meaningful way until they are sure that they can get their initial investments and profits out of Iraq whenever they choose to do so Investors coming into Iraq is a major part to ensuring that Iraq realizes it s vision of being one of the riches countries in the world Now for the million dollar question Is the investment law needed prior to an increase the purchasing power of the dina r IMO NOT HAVING THE INVESTMENT LAW PASSED WILL NOT STOP THEM FROM AN RV HOWEVER IT DOES HAVE TO HAPPEN SHORTLY THERE AFTER IF THEY WANT THE WALL OF INVESTMENT CAPITAL TO COME IN A SUPPORT THE MOVE OTHERWISE THEIR ECONOMY MOST LIKELY WOULD FALTER HUGE PIECE OF NEWS post 2 of 2.2-19-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article Iraq joined the Convention on the transparency between investors and states Quote National Investment Commission announced on Wednesday it had signed an agreement on transparency in the arbitration treaty-based investor-State in 2014 at the United Nations headquarters in New York What is very encouraging about this article, is that it indicates that some of these international and bilateral agreements have already been signed Which is right in line with Article 22 of the Investment Law this is a very big tell Why on earth would they even bother with these agreements unless they had every intention of needing them in the near future post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-18-2017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Article Iraq joins the Convention on transparency between investors and the States the vit ally important paragraph Iraq has issued a number of legislation that works to protect the investor and capital to do business in the country, at the forefront of investment law number 13 year 2006 and amendments which carries a lot of features and protection for investors, as well as important bilateral and international conventions signed by Iraq and the number of States I don t think I can stress enough - how important this is and it may not IMMEDIATELY what your timeline wants are - but it is BIG NEWS Likely, THE TURNING POINT Read that last paragraph again and again This may be THE NUMBER ONE piece of Dinar News pre-RV I have been looking for a couple of important pieces to fall into place, this is one of the top 2 or 3 HANG ON.2-18-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Prime Minister Haider Abadi, the Iraqi in Munich Security Conference What message was VP Pence delivering to Abadi, likely IMO coming straight from President Trump those are the true nuggets of this trip will Abadi head b ack to Baghdad tonight on his own personal red-eye flight has he been given the green light from the leader of the free world to step Iraq into a new realm That is what I watch for it is coming IMO.2-18-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Up to 45 banks now handling the dinar Banks are openly accepting the Iraqi Dinar As far as I m concerned that makes it International Even if not International, all we want is for banks over here to accept it Other currencies started fluctuating this last week and we put that out there I knew from past experience these are short windows We are looking good, and feeling good we wait for the ultimate trip to the bank I believe we are very close We are looking for things to unfold any time We are close enough to know this rodeo is coming to an end, we just don t know when.2-18-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke ALL of these time frames, can Change right now, at the drop of a hat, because of the serious turmoil, chaos and unpredictability being demonstrated in the world today , in what we describe as The Perfect Storm , now happening toward, and reaching a High Spot, the last week of February However, we STILL see, these time frames playing out, with the highest of probabilities There are cycles in place, that are powerfully being completed, and we see them happening, RIGHT NOW If The Perfect Storm gets too severe, especially from Feb 21 - 26th it could delay things into MID APRIL we really don t think, it will we still think, positive currency movements will take place In any event, it will be very interesting to see where the Rates are, MID-APRIL, 2017, regardless post 3 of 3.2-18-2017 Intel Guru Dr Clarke VIETNAM Very close, if not at the Same Time Frame Feb 26 - Mar 6, 2017 , it is our opinion, based on ALL our indicators, that Vietnam will Officially Print a NEW, significantly increased Dong Rate, which will be applicable country-wide Then, an OPTIMUM Exchange Window , that will extend into the Late - JUNE time period FEB 26 - Late JUNE , of which, you ll have many choices Notice this is Longer than the Dinar Optimum Exchange Window OPTIMUM being the key word This is ALL purely our SPECULATION based on current circumstances We re NOT going to speculate about Rates , at this time post 2 of 3 stay tuned.2-18-2017 Intel Guru 2 weeks ago we said that The Perfect Storm was coming by the very end of February In our View, this is what is about to take place, from February 21-28, 2017, and is already shaping up right NOW IRAQ In our view, and by ALL our indicators, we think Iraq will Officially Print a NEW, significantly increased Dinar Rate, which will be applicable country-wide, between FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 6, 2017 then, a 6 Week OPTIMUM Exchange Window , through to around April 16th will ensue, of which, you ll have many choices OPTIMUM, being the key word Use your discernment The Middle East REGION will see more than ONE country s currency significantly increase, simultaneously This is an Important Trigger We also see Iraq making a very important announcement publicly officially, about ALL of Mosul being ISIS free of control, and Iraq s improved Safety Security with details , on or before February 28, and thus in tandem with the new, official rate post 1 of 3 stay tuned.2-18-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc AS SOON AS MUNCHKIN MAN Mr Mnuchin WAS SWORN IN HE HAS BEEN PROTECTED FROM THE MEDIA WHY BECAUSE WHAT HE IS WORKING ON AFFECTS THE DOLLARS VALUE AND THE NEW TAX PLAN THAT IS SOON TO BE ANNOUNCED WE WILL NEED TO SEE THIS ROLLOUT VERY SOON SINCE IT S LINKED TO THE NEW BUDGET AND TAXES REMEMBER, LAST WEEK THE U S TREASURY CONNECTED THE NEW DIGITAL DOLLAR TO THE DIGITAL DINAR AND YESTERDAY WE SEE THE NEW DIGITAL SWIFT PLATFORM ADMITTING THEY ALREADY CONNECTED TO 60 COUNTRIES WOW THIS PROCESS IS NOW IRREVERSIBLE AND IT S TIME FOR OUR QUARTERBACK TO TAKE THE FIELD BECAUSE IT S JUST ABOUT GAME TIME.2-17-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 MOSUL IMO is done enough it is done enough to put security and stability into the monetary refo rm It is SO DONE ACCOMPLISHED that they said they will put a BANK on the LEFT SIDE in MOSUL The MR is right in front of us They are very, very close to raising the value IMO Iraq is international It s too obvious but at a program rate this is like the Goodyear blimp without helium.2-17-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling Do you think President Barak Obama, President George Bush Jr President Bill Clinton and President Trump and can get together and deem these note this value and then all of a sudden they are worth a buck If you think they can do that and have the power to do that then you ll buy anything That s not how it works They still have to reduce the note count no matter what No country in the last 100 years has gone outside those principles This is very easy to follow Post 2 of 2.2-17-2017 Intel Guru Bruce The reason was the CIPS system That has superseded the swift system It was put together to allow wire transfer to occur in as little as 18 sec to 53 sec around the world attempts ma de to integrate the swift system into the CIPS system and make those two systems work parallel with each other in such a way the Swift system can operate at the same speed of the CIPS system We have that system interrogated approximately 1 30pm EST Thursday What does that mean The timing was that system was to switch on in its activation at same time the intake for the Dong at the trial exchanges stopped It wasn t coincidence Now we have the ability to do wire transfers all over the world and domestic transfer in the United States at lightning speed without delay, open transparent The point I am telling you about this is that is to show you how close we are post 2 of 2.2-17-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling One of the emails I get again and again is Did George Bush Jr state that the Iraqi War was going to be paid for and that he brought over a bunch of dinar from Iraq There are two answers to this No he did not And it s not provable But it has nothing to do with our investment Absolutely n othing at all So we want to be as sure as we can about out investment what do you do You go back to parliament What did parliament say to the IMF that they wanted to do What did they say to the Minister of Finance on what they wanted to do What did the Ministry of Finance say to the Ministry of Planning What did the Ministry of Planning say the the Central Bank of Iraq And then what s going on with the currency It s that easy There is nothing else to ask Post 1 of 2.2-17-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We are in good a position that a lot happened to get us to Tuesday and a lot happened to get to us where we are now A lot has happened the last 24 to 48 hours What we heard is what we are going to call early exchanges on Vietnamese Dong A few weeks ago same type thing going on with the dinar My understanding this is it The Dinar was done The Dong was exchangeable at lower rates which I know were 39 cents to 56 cents per Dong These exchanges went on for 23 hours and 35 minutes Then they stopped abr uptly the opportunity was a short window today for a reason post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-17-2017 Newshound Guru firefly Article MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2017 CBI adopts IBAN system So as we can see, the banks in Iraq ARE prepared yep just when are they gonna do it We re just going to WAKE UP TO IT Nobody knows the implementation date but I believe we are closer than we have ever been hoping right after Mosul I don t believe Mosul is an issue any longer Mosul will NEVER be 100 secure But is it secure enough at this juncture to move ahead with the reforms My opinion is YES It would be real fascinating if the CBI would show a International rate They will but it may show on the Arabic side 1st IMO.2-17-2017 Intel Guru Delta The TRUE RATE should show up on the CBI website any day That website has been empty the remittance of their auctions and the rate Yes it s been empty The remittances are a wire-transfer They used to have a manual form In the past if I wanted to send you 1 million dollars I would have to fill out this form give it to the CBI with 24 hour notice etc Now because of IBAN for the last 6-7 days the CBI doesn t have to do things manually anymore All electronic We re just waiting for the NEW RATE Saddam manipulated the numbers Dr Shabibi he said they that wanted to get around 2 80 The rate if you go back to the 70 s and 80 s it was 2 80 2 80 was planned by Shabibi and the CBI a long time ago.2-16-2017 Dinar Guru Community News I m saddened to report Newshound Guru Admin Bob passed away suddenly Wednesday Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends He has been a fixture in the dinar world for a very long time and will truly be missed The latest guru posts will continue below.2-16-2017 Newshound Guru firefly Then we have IBAN IBAN is different than the Swift system although it IS a part of the swift system All of this is from the CBI Iraq is still not listed on the IBAN site Yet the CBI announced which banks will handle the IBAN So what does that tell you remember Swift is used between BANKS IBAN International Bank Account Numbers is for the PRIVATE SECTOR for international transfers The fact that banks in Iraq are READY for IBAN excites me intensely I m sure it also has the contractors and foreign companys excited as well too many items lining up to ignore post 2 of 2.2-16-2017 Newshound Guru firefly Article World Band preconditions reconciliation for supporting Iraq Quote World Bank regional sources reported that it will grant Iraq its financial support in parallel with the reconciliation project after defeating Da ish ISIS organization I mentioned many months ago how important the National Reconciliation Law is to our investment How long will that take Still not transparent but many promises made according to articles that it is just around the corner post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-16-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc LET S FIRST REMIND YOU THAT LAST WEEK THE UST WAS IN IRAQ AND THEY HOOKED UP THE DIGITAL DINAR TO THE DIGITAL DOLLAR NOW TO DAY WE ARE SEEING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DIGITAL DOLLAR WHICH I TOLD YOU WOULD HAVE TO OCCUR PRIOR TO THE EXCHANGE OF ANY DIGITAL ASSET-BACKED CURRENCY TODAY THE DIGITAL DOLLAR IS CONNECTED TO OVER 60 COUNTRIES NOW THAT IS IMPLEMENTATION MY FRIENDS THE FINAL STAGE IS NOW SET TO ROLL WE HAVE A LOT TO BE EXCITED ABOUT BECAUSE NEXT WILL BE OUR TURN post 2 of 2.2-16-2017 Intel Newshound Guru Backdoc Article The introduction of the new service Swift for innovation in global payments TODAY IS MORE THAN THE ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE NEW DIGITAL SYSTEM A FEW WEEKS AGO WE SAW A PREVIOUS ARTICLE ON THE NEW DIGITAL SWIFT SYSTEM AND THAT THEY HAD UPGRADED TO THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY TH EY HAD NOT OFFICIALLY IMPLEMENTED AT THAT TIME BUT TODAY, BOOM IMPLEMENTED I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE SAYING HERE post 1 of 2 stay tuned.2-16-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Remember the article about the AIRLINES They said don t accept any foreign currency only the IQD So what did we see today in an article It said THEY CA NNOT do it SITA is our program computer and SITA will not receive as a form of payment with our existing dinar due to the flux of the dinar The airlines were TOLD by the CBI and the GOI This article was a PREMATURE STATEMENT They cannot end using USD s until they raise the value of their currency Their program rate is still in the SITA system The only way to stop the problem is to raise the value.2-16-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article Parliamentary Finance The government withdrew its 48 billion cash reserve Now we re down to 40 billion in reserves and essentially, nothing s changed I don t see oil prices surging back to 100 a barrel and terrorism is never going away Iraq needs to course correct now, there s no more time to waste.2-16-2017 Intel Guru Delta A lot of you are looking at the UN Operational Exchange Rates That has nothing to do with Iraq Iraq doesn t have to wait until the next UNOP rate date changes We believe that the budget was passed and showed up in the Gazette on the 9t h Did you see the budget implemented yet No What are they waiting for The only time you have to amend the budget is if you changed the rate YOU SHOULD BE VERY EXCITED The BAS News website that showed a rate the newspaper took down those numbers Where did those numbers come from Software At that time they were testing the new rate We continue to watch for the NEW RATE that could happen ANY DAY ANY MINUTE We believe that in our hearts this is our month The TRUE RATE should show up on the CBI website any day post 3 of 3.2-16-2017 Intel Guru Delta An article from the IMF they say that every member nation when they want to change their rate the IMF has to know within 30 days of the implementation These are NOT rumors This is fact from the IMF website The 30 days give you 3 windows the 4th the 12th and the 17-19th so we believe this week for Iraq to show the rate It s never happened before for them to remove the indicative rate for that long Where does the indicative rate come from This indi cative rate comes directly from the IMF they give that to Iraq One of the memos that we found talked about the exchange rate The CBI controls the market price auctions and cash The thing that can t control anymore is the TRUE RATE the CBI they got the permission we believe within the last 72 hours This is NOT rumors This is a fact from the IMF post 2 of 3 stay tuned.2-16-2017 Intel Guru Delta The CBI and the program rate what is going on there January 2017 the CBI all of the sudden the program rate was taken off January 2, 2017 when auctions started the spreadsheet the program rate 1184 and then January 12, 2017 we watched it they had an auction the numbers disappeared the program rate is gone the spreadsheet the indicative rate Why is that significant Articles from the CBI long time ago stated that they couldn t have 2 rates in the same fiscal year When the CBI and the GOI decide to come up with a TRUE RATE that must happen in the beginning of their FISCAL YEAR That should have been t he 1st week in January 2017 It didn t happen at that time for whatever reason They agreed not to postpone The meeting on January 17 to 19th with the IMF everyone involved everyone was there and we believe that that date was a high possibility of them getting the green light to lift the value post 1 of 3 stay tuned.2-16-2017 Intel Guru Bluwolf All things already talked about and expected to occur are now coming into reality and they will be revealed through a domino effect process, just falling into place one behind the other As some whom have seen some recent screen rates sort of high, let me informed you that those are just placeholders for all the rates are still floating, but one thing is for sure is that the real rates will be much higher than seen by these folks The turmoil of political events now in DC are being structured to delay our blessings but the guy with the Golden hair knows of that and is pushing forward That is where we are folks as we speak See you at the banks.2-16-2 017 Newshound Intel Guru BGG Article Rasheed Bank grants loans to citizens of up to 30 million dinars any thoughts on Rasheed bank starting car loans and buying Us dollars from citizens 1st - why would they loan money in an economy like this - up to 30,000 USD 2nd - who would want to get rid of their USD Seems like a real shift in perception of the IQD value on the street is coming or at least Rasheed is forecasting one.
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